O XX.pt oferece-lhe um conjunto de ferramentas que lhe permitem manter contacto com pessoas da comunidade. Sendo uma plataforma de interacção social, poderá, não só partilhar diversas informações sobre si, como também contactar outros membros, criando assim novos laços e a oportunidade de vir a conhecer alguém que se revele do seu interesse.
Através do seu perfil poderá dar-se a conhecer à comunidade do XX.pt Primariamente, deverá editar as suas informações pessoais. Para fazê-lo deverá, na primeira barra de menu, clicar no seu nome, e logo de seguida em "Editar Perfil". Para melhorar as suas probabilidades de sucesso deverá fazer o upload de uma foto sua, clicando em "Meu Perfil", no mesmo menu, e de seguida em "Trocar Avatar".
No XX.pt poderá efectuar pesquisas por outros membros, de modo a encontrar alguém que se revele do seu interesse. Para tal deverá, na segunda barra de menu, clicar em "Membros/Pesquisa". A partir dessa página terá a possibilidade de especificar todas as características da pessoa que pretende encontrar. Através destes filtros, mostraremos apenas utilizadores que satisfaçam todos os seus requisitos. Para além de uma pesquisa personalizada, através desta página também poderá pesquisar por membros que estejam online ou que se tenham registado recentemente. O XX.pt dá-lhe a possibilidade de adicionar à sua lista de amigos utilizadores que sejam do seu interesse, de modo a que possa manter mais facilmente contacto com eles. Para tal, basta clicar em "Adicionar Amigos", no menu situado do lado direito da foto de perfil do utilizador que pretende adicionar.
Ao aceder ao perfil de um membro, encontrará a opção de " Enviar Mensagem Particular", que poderá utilizar para contactá-lo de forma privada. Para gerir todas as suas mensagens deverá clicar em "Mensagens", na primeira barra de menu. A partir daí terá a oportunidade de aceder à sua caixa de correio e ver todas as conversas que já teve até ao momento.
O XX.pt disponibiliza-lhe uma ferramenta simples e intuitiva para a partilha de fotos e vídeos com os restantes membros da comunidade. Para aceder a essas opções só precisará de clicar em "Fotos" ou "Videos", na segunda barra de menu. A partir daí terá a possibilidade de criar álbuns de fotos e efectuar o upload de vídeos, que poderá depois partilhar com os utilizadores do site.
Se estiver à procura de algo em específico, colocar um anúncio poderá revelar-se como a forma mais rápida e eficaz de espalhar a mensagem e encontrar exactamente aquilo que procura. Com isso em mente, disponibilizamos uma secção de classificados, através da qual poderá anunciar e explorar os anúncios de outros utilizadores. Para aceder a esta ferramenta clique em "Anúncios", na segunda barra de menu. Uma vez na página, deverá clicar em "Escrever Novo Anúncio", e de seguida preencher todos os campos requeridos, para que a sua mensagem fique visível para todos os membros do website.
Ainda que esta seja uma rede social, não significa que tenha de partilhar tudo com toda a gente. Para especificar quem pode contactá-lo ou ver as suas informações pessoais, deverá clicar no seu nome, e de seguida em "Privacidade". Aí terá a possibilidade de definir todas as suas preferências de privacidade, de modo a garantir que as suas informações não serão partilhadas com qualquer pessoa que aceda ao site.
Caso decida que o Xy.pt não tem utilidade para si, poderá optar por eliminar a sua conta, o que apagará definitivamente o seu perfil e todas as informações que lhe estejam associadas. Para tal, só terá de clicar em "Contacto" e enviar-nos uma mensagem com o pedido. O mesmo formulário de suporte poderá, também, ser utilizado para nos enviar sugestões em relação ao site.
Mark name | Description | Time |
Page start | Script start. | 0.000 |
Before application init | Registering system data (includes system constants define, adding of standard package pointers, registering base classes, etc). | 0.021 |
After application init | Application initialization (includes setting application defaults, base managers init, active plugins init, creating default document, registering all static documents, etc). | 0.181 |
After routing | Routing process (searching controller+action which should handle the request). | 0.191 |
After controller action call | Calling controller action (plugin custom logic). | 0.193 |
After finalize | Getting final markup from all renderable objects. Compiling document body. | 0.196 |
Page end | Processing all headers and sending rendered document. | 0.226 |
Query | Params | Time |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_config | array ( ) | 0.000333 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language | array ( ) | 0.000246 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin | array ( ) | 0.000814 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000248 |
SET TIME_ZONE = ? | array ( 0 => '+00:00', ) | 0.000259 |
SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template | array ( ) | 0.000213 |
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SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'platinum_pro' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000112 |
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SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'base' AND `actionKey` = 'user_join' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000121 |
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SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'grant_to_user' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000083 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'set_by_admin' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000088 |
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SELECT * FROM ow_base_menu_item WHERE `documentKey` = 'page_47ah15ap' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000401 |
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SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'platinum_pro' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000121 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language | array ( ) | 0.000209 |
SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN ('user_join', 'comment', 'avatar-change', 'photo_comments', 'blog-post', 'event', 'forum-topic', 'forum-post', 'group', 'user-status') AND `userId`=0 GROUP BY `entityType` | 0.000438 | |
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SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_group | array ( ) | 0.000201 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator ORDER BY id | array ( ) | 0.000107 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator_permission | array ( ) | 0.000101 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action | array ( ) | 0.000101 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission | array ( ) | 0.000139 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC | array ( ) | 0.000178 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000200 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000098 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000086 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000083 |
SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( 'wait' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( '0','1' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( 'chat' ) | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ) | 0.000204 |
SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( 'wait' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( 'chat' ) | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ) | 0.000107 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = 'pending' | array ( ) | 0.000097 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = 'pending' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = '0' | array ( ) | 0.000092 |
show tables like 'ow_base_geolocation_country' | 0.001246 | |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'BASE', 'position' => 'top', ) | 0.000106 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'base', 'position' => 'top', ) | 0.000101 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'BASE', 'position' => 'bottom', ) | 0.000095 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'base', 'position' => 'bottom', ) | 0.000077 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = 'index' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000198 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = '2' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000129 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'BASE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ) | 0.000223 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'base', 'position' => 'sidebar', ) | 0.000099 |
Type | Class | Path (class, template) |
Controller | BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/static_document.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/controllers/static_document_index.html |
Component | PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CMP_PasswordWrapper | /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/components/password_wrapper.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/views/components/password_wrapper.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_MainMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/main_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_BottomMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/bottom_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/bottom_menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SignIn | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sign_in.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SwitchLanguage | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/switch_language.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/switch_language.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_ConsoleButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Console | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_JoinButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/join_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/join_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Sidebar | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sidebar.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sidebar.html |
Event | Listener | Params |
base.get_active_theme_name Type: call Called at: 0.177 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
class.get_instance.OW_Response Type: trigger Called at: 0.179 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'OW_Response', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_join_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.180 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'menuItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => '304', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'dashboard', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '1', 'routePath' => 'base_member_dashboard', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'dashboard', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => '23', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '2', 'routePath' => 'base_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => '0', 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 2 => array ( 'id' => '211', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '3', 'routePath' => 'base_join', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 3 => array ( 'id' => '492', 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'photo', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '4', 'routePath' => 'view_photo_list', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'photo', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 4 => array ( 'id' => '507', 'prefix' => 'matchmaking', 'key' => 'matches_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '5', 'routePath' => 'matchmaking_members_page', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'matches_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 5 => array ( 'id' => '509', 'prefix' => 'membership', 'key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '6', 'routePath' => 'membership_subscribe', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '511', 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '8', 'routePath' => 'users-search', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menu_item_search', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 7 => array ( 'id' => '518', 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '9', 'routePath' => 'groups-index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_list', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 8 => array ( 'id' => '533', 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '11', 'routePath' => 'event.main_menu_route', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 9 => array ( 'id' => '565', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'documentKey' => 'page_eri81v36', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '14', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'arrowchat/public/mobile', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 10 => array ( 'id' => '566', 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '15', 'routePath' => 'blogs', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 11 => array ( 'id' => '573', 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '18', 'routePath' => 'forum-default', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'forum', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 12 => array ( 'id' => '576', 'prefix' => 'html5chat', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '19', 'routePath' => 'html5chat_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 13 => array ( 'id' => '577', 'prefix' => 'eupago', 'key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '20', 'routePath' => 'eupago.transactions', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 14 => array ( 'id' => '581', 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '21', 'routePath' => 'memberads_view_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menutext_value', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page-119658', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_99448870', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_54p2wa93', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_naq3lelu', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'menuItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => '497', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '1', 'routePath' => 'base.mobile_version', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => '411', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page-119658', 'documentKey' => 'page-119658', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '2', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page-119658', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'terms-of-use', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 2 => array ( 'id' => '478', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_99448870', 'documentKey' => 'page_99448870', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '3', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_99448870', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'privacy', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 3 => array ( 'id' => '521', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'documentKey' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '4', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'quem-somos', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 4 => array ( 'id' => '524', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'documentKey' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '5', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'cookies', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 5 => array ( 'id' => '525', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'documentKey' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '6', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'como-funciona', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '526', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'documentKey' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '7', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'dicas-seguranca', 'isStatic' => '1', ), ), ) |
usercredits.action_add Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.006 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
array ( ) |
core.app_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.181 Exec time: 0.006 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
array ( ) |
core.after_route Type: trigger Called at: 0.191 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument Type: trigger Called at: 0.191 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.192 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_content_page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.192 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_title_page_47ah15ap', ) |
core.set_document_heading Type: trigger Called at: 0.192 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'Como funciona', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.192 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_title_page_47ah15ap', ) |
core.set_document_title Type: trigger Called at: 0.192 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'Como funciona', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'nav', 'key' => 'page_default_description', ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'XX Rede Social de Encontros e Relacionamentos. Registe-se é Grátis. Conhecer novas pessoas nunca foi tão simples. Já não precisa estar sozinho!', ) |
core.after_dispatch Type: trigger Called at: 0.193 Exec time: 0.000 |
OW_Application -> activateMenuItem()
OW_Application -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.OW_Feedback Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'OW_Feedback', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'ajax_floatbox_users_title', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'flag_as', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'delete_user_confirmation_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'authorization_limited_permissions', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'avatar_change', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'avatar_crop', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 4022418904, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'admin', 'key' => 'edit_language', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'marked_notify_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'unmarked_notify_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'unmark_toolbar_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'mark_toolbar_label', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 997153629, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 2411202510, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'enter_password', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_recent', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_people', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_nature', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_food', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_activity', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_travel', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_object', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_symbol', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_flag', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_search', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_search_results', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_count_emojis', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 3208237720, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'gdpr', 'key' => 'gdpr_send_message_label', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 514154704, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
core.finalize Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsDeclarations()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeAddScrollJs()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeCheckIfSiteFullyInstalled()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsCode()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEmojiPicker()
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIncludeStaticFiles()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> initVideoImRequest()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.CUSTOMINDEX_BOL_Service Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'CUSTOMINDEX_BOL_Service', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => '', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_desc_page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_desc_page_47ah15ap', ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => '', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_keywords_page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_keywords_page_47ah15ap', ) |
core.before_document_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.196 Exec time: 0.000 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingMasterPage()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument -> setCustomMetaInfo()
array ( ) |
core.before_master_page_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.197 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Console Type: trigger Called at: 0.199 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_Console', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
base_hook_remote_auth_button_list Type: trigger Called at: 0.199 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.200 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validate_common_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.204 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'component_sign_in_login_invitation', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'component_sign_in_password_invitation', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_remember_me_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_submit_default_value', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.205 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_submit_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'forgot_password_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_sign_in_cap_label', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_SignInButtonList Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_SignInButtonList', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
base_hook_remote_auth_button_list Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_sign_in_txt', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'join_submit_button_join', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_submit_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'console_item_sign_up_label', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_ConsoleSwitchLanguage Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_ConsoleSwitchLanguage', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_profiles_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_profile_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_comments_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_comment_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_avatars_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_avatar_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'content_photo_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'content_blogs_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'content_blog_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'content_events_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'content_event_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forums_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forum_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forums_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_post_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'content_groups_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'newsfeed', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'newsfeed', 'key' => 'content_status_label', ) |
content.collect_types Type: trigger Called at: 0.209 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
array ( ) |
console.collect_items Type: trigger Called at: 0.199 Exec time: 0.004 |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> collectItems()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> collectItems()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItems()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> collectItems()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectConsoleItems()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeUsers()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeMessages()
array ( ) |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners |
array (
'item' =>
'content' => NULL,
'control' => 'XXXX |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'item' => BASE_CMP_ConsoleButton::__set_state(array( 'consoleItem' => BASE_CMP_ConsoleItem::__set_state(array( 'content' => NULL, 'control' => 'Registar-se', 'hidden' => false, 'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789ec32831ee', 'class' => array ( 'ow_console_button' => 'ow_console_button', ), 'components' => array ( ), 'forms' => array ( ), 'assignedVars' => array ( 'item' => array ( 'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789ec32831ee', 'class' => 'ow_console_button', 'content' => array ( ), 'html' => 'Registar-se', 'hidden' => false, ), ), 'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_item.html', 'visible' => true, )), 'key' => 'console_item_6789ec32831ee', 'components' => array ( ), 'forms' => array ( ), 'assignedVars' => array ( 'label' => 'Registar-se', 'href' => 'https://www.xx.pt/join', 'onClick' => '', ), 'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_button.html', 'visible' => true, )), 'order' => 1, ) |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners |
array (
'item' =>
'url' => 'javascript://',
'consoleItem' =>
'content' => '
'hidden' => false,
'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789ec328340b',
'class' =>
array (
'ow_console_dropdown' => 'ow_console_dropdown',
'ow_console_dropdown_hover' => 'ow_console_dropdown_hover',
'components' =>
array (
'forms' =>
array (
'assignedVars' =>
array (
'item' =>
array (
'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789ec328340b',
'class' => 'ow_console_dropdown ow_console_dropdown_hover',
'content' =>
array (
'html' => '
'hidden' => false,
'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_item.html',
'visible' => true,
'key' => 'console_item_6789ec328340b',
'components' =>
array (
'forms' =>
array (
'assignedVars' =>
array (
'label' => 'pt',
'class' => 'ow_console_lang_pt',
'url' => 'javascript://',
'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_switch_language.html',
'visible' => true,
'order' => 0,
winks.on_before_count_winks_for_user Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'status' => array ( 0 => 'wait', ), 'viewed' => NULL, 'activeModes' => array ( 0 => 'chat', ), ) |
winks.on_before_count_winks_for_user Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'status' => array ( 0 => 'wait', ), 'viewed' => 0, 'activeModes' => array ( 0 => 'chat', ), ) |
base.query.user_filter Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.000 |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
array ( 'tables' => array ( 'user' => 'friends_friendship', ), 'fields' => array ( 'userId' => 'userId', ), 'method' => 'FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::count', ) |
base.query.user_filter Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.000 |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
array ( 'tables' => array ( 'user' => 'friends_friendship', ), 'fields' => array ( 'userId' => 'userId', ), 'method' => 'FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::count', ) |
console.ping Type: trigger Called at: 0.214 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> ping()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> ping()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> ping()
array ( ) |
base.ping.consoleUpdate Type: trigger Called at: 0.214 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'slogan_page', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_JoinButton Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_JoinButton', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'cssClass' => 'index_join_button', ), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'join_index_join_button', ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'top', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
base.add_page_top_content Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageTopBanner()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
base.add_page_bottom_content Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageBottomBanner()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Sidebar Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_Sidebar', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_SidebarAds Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_SidebarAds', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => BASE_CLASS_WidgetParameter::__set_state(array( 'customParamList' => array ( ), 'additionalParamList' => array ( ), 'standartParamList' => WidgetStandartParamList::__set_state(array( 'wrapInBox' => false, 'showTitle' => true, 'freezed' => false, 'toolbar' => array ( ), 'restrictView' => false, 'accessRestriction' => NULL, 'capContent' => NULL, )), 'customizeMode' => false, 'widgetDetails' => WidgetDetails::__set_state(array( 'uniqName' => 'index-ADS_CMP_SidebarAds', )), )), ), ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'ads', 'key' => 'widget_panel_title', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_links_2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_3', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_links_3', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_soc_links_4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'copyright', ) |
core.after_master_page_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
Event | Listener |
core.exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
core.emergency_exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEmergencyExit()
base.billing.on_after_delivered_sale |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterBillingDeliverSale()
base.user_login |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSaveStatistics()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSetAdminCookie()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
content.after_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
base.add_global_lang_keys |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddGlobalLangs()
base.user_unregister |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserContent()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterDeleteDisaproved()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterRemovePreference()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteMediaPanelFiles()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterClearMailQueue()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserDeleted()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserAttachments()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserMembership()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditBalance()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditLogs()
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserUnregister()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserContent()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userUnregister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeUserPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_delete_user_content()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnRegister()
base.user_logout |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogout()
base.user_register |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinMandatoryUserApprove()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegisterWelcomeLetter()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypeUserRoleOnUserRegister()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteInviteCode()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserJoin()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRegister()
base.user_edit |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEditFeed()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterUserEdit()
feed.after_comment_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserJoinCommentFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarCommentFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterCommentAdd()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterFeedCommentAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterComment()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_comment()
feed.after_like_added |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeUserJoin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarLikeFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterLikeAdded()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftLike()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnLike()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedTopicLike()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_like()
notifications.collect_actions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCollectNotificationActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
base_add_comment |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCommentAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> notifyOnNewComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPostComment()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCommentNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_comment_notification()
base.update_entity_items_status |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateEntityItemsStatus()
base.user_suspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendSuspendNotification()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserSuspend()
PostService -> onAuthorSuspend()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.user_unsuspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_approve |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserApprove()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_disapprove |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_mark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.on_user_unmark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.questions_field_get_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
base.before_decorator |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDecoratorRender()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeDecorator()
plugin.privacy.get_action_list |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyAddAction()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyAction()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> privacyAddAction()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_privacy_add_action()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
base.members_only_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMembersOnlyException()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addMembersOnlyException()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.splash_screen_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddSplashScreenExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.password_protected_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPasswordProtectedExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.maintenance_mode_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMaintenanceModeExceptions()
admin.add_auth_labels |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAuthLabels()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_add_auth_labels()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_auth_labels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
socialsharing.get_entity_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetUserInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetPhotoInfo()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetGiftInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetBlogInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetEventInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetForumInfo()
base.before_save_user |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setUserRoleOnChangeAccountType()
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
base.join_form_render |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInviteMembersProcessJoinForm()
base.moderation_panel_widget_collect_contents |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
base.moderation_tools.collect_menu |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
content.before_delete |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteEntityFlags()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDelete()
base.after_avatar_update |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarChange()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAvatarUpdate()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserAvatar()
base.before_user_avatar_delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarDelete()
content.collect_types |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
content.get_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
content.update_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
content.delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
base.user_list.get_displayed_fields |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFields()
base.user_list.get_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListQuestions()
base.user_list.get_field_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFieldValue()
base.sitemap.get_urls |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
base.provide_page_meta_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProvideMetaInfoForPage()
base.on_after_generate_email_verification_code |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> generateEmailVerificationCode()
base.add_profile_action_toolbar |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddDeleteActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddFlagActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddSuspendActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddAuthActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserFeatureActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserBlockActionTool()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendGiftActionTool()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionTools()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendMessageActionTool()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
base.dashboard_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDashboardMenuItem()
base.preference_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceMenuItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyPreferenceMenuItem()
base.on_avatar_toolbar_collect |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
core.finalize |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsDeclarations()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeAddScrollJs()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeCheckIfSiteFullyInstalled()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsCode()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEmojiPicker()
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIncludeStaticFiles()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> initVideoImRequest()
admin.add_admin_notification |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdminNotification()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAdminNotifications()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
ads.enabled_plugins |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
core.plugin_uninstall |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstallDeleteComments()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsUninstallDeleteGateway()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginUninstall()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsUninstall()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginUninstall()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginUninstall()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstall()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removePluginPrivacy()
base.preference_add_form_element |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
base.preference_section_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
feed.collect_configurable_activity |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectConfigurableActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_configurable_activity()
base.attachment_save_image |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSaveAttachmentImage()
join.get_captcha_field |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCaptcha()
core.after_route |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
base.add_quick_link |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuickLinksCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_quick_links()
base.collect_seo_meta_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
class.get_instance |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetClassInstance()
base.ping.consoleUpdate |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
console.collect_items |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> collectItems()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> collectItems()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItems()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> collectItems()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectConsoleItems()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeUsers()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeMessages()
core.plugins_init |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> afterInits()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPluginsInit()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> afterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterAppInit()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_FormatManager -> collectFormats()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> updatePlugin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
core.plugin_activate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginActivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginsActivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginActivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginActivate()
core.plugin_deactivate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginDeactivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsDeactivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginDeactivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginDeactivate()
console.load_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> loadList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> loadList()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> loadList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> loadList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLoadConsoleList()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleLoadFakeMessagesList()
console.ping |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> ping()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> ping()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> ping()
notifications.send_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> sendList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationSendList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleSendList()
admin.disable_fields_on_edit_profile_question |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDisableActionList()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableProfileQuestions()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableFieldsOnEditProfileQuestion()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinStampDisableActionList()
admin.check_if_admin_page |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkIfAdminPage()
usearch.collect_user_actions |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollowAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriendAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addBlockAction()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> usearchCollectUserActions()
usearch.get_user_id_list |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSearchResult()
base.questions_field_init |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
base.question.search_sql |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> setSearchSql()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionSearchSql()
authorization.layer_check |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
authorization.layer_check_collect_error |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
base.on_before_role_delete |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteRole()
base.billing_add_gateway_product |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> billingAddGatewayProduct()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectBillingGatewayProduct()
base.collect_subscribe_menu |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
membership.deliver_sale_notification |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeliverSaleNotification()
photo.album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumAdd()
photo.album_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumFind()
photo.album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumDelete()
photo.entity_albums_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsFind()
photo.add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAdd()
photo.find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFind()
photo.finds |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFinds()
photo.delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoDelete()
photo.album_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosCount()
photo.album_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosFind()
photo.entity_albums_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsCount()
photo.entity_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosFind()
photo.entity_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosCount()
photo.entity_albums_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsDelete()
photo.init_floatbox |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> initFloatbox()
photo.get_photo_view_status |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoViewStatus()
plugin.privacy.on_change_action_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangePrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeActionPrivacy()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
base.query.content_filter |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerBaseContentFilter()
feed.on_entity_action |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAction()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedEntityAction()
feed.collect_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectPrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectPrivacy()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_privacy()
usercredits.on_action_collect |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_BaseCredits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
HOTLIST_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
EVENT_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FRIENDS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
usercredits.get_action_key |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
photo.on_album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumAdd()
photo.on_album_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumEdit()
photo.before_album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeAlbumDelete()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDeleteAlbum()
plugin.photos.add_photo |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoAdd()
photo.after_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
photo.onBeforeDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
photo.after_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoDelete()
photo.createUserAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> createUserAlbum()
photo.getMainAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMainAlbum()
photo.addSearchData |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addSearchData()
feed.before_content_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedBeforeStatusUpdate()
photo.backgroundLoadPhoto |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> backgroundLoadPhoto()
photo.onUpdateContent |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateContent()
photo.get_cover |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumCoverUrl()
photo.get_album_names |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumNames()
moderation.after_content_approve |
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterContentApprove()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
base.add_new_content_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAddNewContentItem()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddNewContent()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_new_content_item()
feed.on_item_render |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRenderActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> genericItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> desktopItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedItemRenderFlagBtn()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
photo.onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete()
photo.onBeforePhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoMove()
photo.onAfterPhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoMove()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPhotoMode()
photo.getAddPhotoURL |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPhotoURL()
base.avatar_change_collect_sections |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumsForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_section |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumPhotosForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoForAvatar()
usercredits.action_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
usercredits.action_update |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionUpdate()
usercredits.action_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionDelete()
usercredits.action_info |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionInfo()
usercredits.check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance_for_action_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalanceForActionList()
usercredits.get_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getBalance()
usercredits.track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackAction()
usercredits.error_message |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getErrorMessage()
usercredits.last_action_timestamp |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getLastActionTimestamp()
core.before_document_render |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingMasterPage()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument -> setCustomMetaInfo()
friends.request-sent |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestSent()
core.app_init |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
usercredits.grant |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGrantCredits()
usercredits.set_by_moderator |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSetCredits()
usercredits.get_action_label |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActionLabel()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserCreditsActionLabel()
billingccbill.get-subaccount-config |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetCcbillSubaccountConfigValue()
billingccbill.collect-subaccount-fields |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectCcbillSubaccountField()
authorization.layer_check_track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckTrackAction()
core.after_plugin_deactivate |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginDeactivate()
birthdays.today_birthday_user_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBirthday()
base.event.on_account_type_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeAdd()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.event.on_account_type_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeDelete()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
guests.get_guests_list |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getList()
guests.get_new_guests_count |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewCount()
guests.mark_guests_viewed |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markViewed()
guests.track_visit |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackVisit()
base.widget_panel.content.top |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProfilePageRender()
base.on_plugin_info_update |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginInfoUpdate()
admin.get.possible_values_disable_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderDisableValuesMassage()
admin.questions.get_edit_delete_question_buttons_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderGetEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
admin.questions.get_preview_question_values_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPreviewQuestionValuesContent()
base.event.on_before_add_questions_to_new_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuestionsToNewAccountType()
admin.questions.get_question_page_checkbox_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
admin.get_soft_version_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSoftVersionText()
base.on_after_add_or_update_value_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAddOrUpdateValueLang()
base.event.on_get_question_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
base.event.on_account_type_reorder |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.on_before_user_complete_profile |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.on_before_user_complete_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.questions_get_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderData()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsGetData()
base.questions_save_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUpdate()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsSaveData()
base.after_avatar_change |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarChange()
usercredits.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> usercreditsGetProductId()
membership.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> membershipGetProductId()
speedmatch.suggest_users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> suggestSpeedmatchUsers()
photo.collect_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoCollectExtendedSettings()
photo.save_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoSaveExtendedSettings()
photo.getPhotoList |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryUserPhoto()
admin.filter_themes_to_choose |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> filterAdminThemes()
core.get_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetText()
class.get_instance.JoinForm |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinForm()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetInstanceUsersCmp()
base.get_default_theme |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDefaultTheme()
base.on_notify_admin_about_invalid_items |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyAdminAboutInvalidItems()
speedmatch.display_mutual_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> displaySpeedmatchMutualMessage()
core.after_dispatch |
OW_Application -> activateMenuItem()
OW_Application -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
core.plugin_install |
base.add_page_top_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageTopBanner()
base.add_page_bottom_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageBottomBanner()
base.event.on_question_delete |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionDelete()
admin.before_save_lang_value |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeSaveLangValue()
matchmaking.get_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchList()
matchmaking.get_list_count |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchListCount()
matchmaking.get_compatibility |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibility()
matchmaking.get_compatibility_for_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibilityForList()
base.question.add_question_form.on_get_available_sections |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetAvailableSections()
base.add_main_console_item |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserViewSection |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> viewProfileDetailsMatchSection()
admin.questions.get_account_types_checkbox_content |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypesCheckboxContent()
hotlist.count |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCount()
hotlist.get_id_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getListIdList()
hotlist.add_to_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addToList()
hotlist.remove_from_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFromList()
hotlist.is_user_added |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> isUserAdded()
notifications.add |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> addNotification()
notifications.is_permited |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> isNotificationPermited()
virtualgifts.send_gift |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendGift()
feed.on_entity_add |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPost()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedStatusAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAdd()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_entity_add()
usercredits.action_update_disabled_status |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> onCreditsUpdateActionDisabledStatus()
base.widget_panel_customize.content.top |
bookmarks.is_mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> isMark()
bookmarks.mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markUser()
bookmarks.unmark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> unMarkUser()
bookmarks.get_mark_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMarksByIdList()
bookmarks.get_user_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserList()
wink.renderWink |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWink()
wink.renderWinkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWinkBack()
winks.isWinkSent |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getIsWinkSent()
winks.winkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> winkBack()
moderation.approve |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> approveEntity()
content.before_change |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterChange()
base.after_config_save |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterConfigSave()
photo.form_complete |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoFormComplete()
photo.onReadyResponse |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onReadyResponse()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumInfo |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumInfo()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumNameList |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumNames()
photo.view_album |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onViewAlbum()
photo.upload_data |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetPhotoUploadData()
photo.collect_photo_context_actions |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPhotoContext()
protectedphotos.init_enter_password |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initEnterPassword()
protectedphotos.init_headers |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initHeaders()
photo.onDownloadPhoto |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDownloadPhoto()
photo.onRate |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRatePhoto()
photo.onIndexWidgetListReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIndexWidgetReady()
photo.albumsWidgetReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumsWidgetReady()
photo.onRenderAjaxUpload |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderUploadAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderEditAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderEditAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderCreateFakeAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderCreateFakeAlbumForm()
photo.user_album_view |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAlbumView()
photo.after_add_feed |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAfterAddFeed()
friends.request-accepted |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccept()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptRequest()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccepted()
friends.cancelled |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendShipCancel()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCancelRequest()
photo.getPhotoUrl |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoGetUrl()
base.add_user_list |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addUserListData()
googlelocation.get_map_component |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMapComponent()
event.event_add_form.get_element |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> eventEditLocationInit()
events.before_event_edit |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventEdit()
events.before_event_create |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventCreate()
event_after_create_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventCrate()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterAdd()
event.add_content_menu_item |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventContentMenuItem()
events.view.content.after_event_description |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventMapOnViewPage()
event_on_delete_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEventDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteEvent()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onEventDelete()
googlelocation.calc_distance |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> calcDistance()
googlelocation.add_js_lib |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsLib()
base.questions_field_get_value |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldGetValue()
feed.on_entity_update |
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateBlogPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
blogs.before_delete |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePostDelete()
blogs.after_add |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostAdd()
blogs.after_edit |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostEdit()
event_after_event_edit |
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEditEvent()
event.invite_user |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserInvite()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onInvite()
event.is_plugin_active |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> isPluginActive()
event_on_create_event |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddEvent()
events.collect_toolbar |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectToolbar()
event_on_change_user_status |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserStatus()
invitations.on_item_render |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteRender()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> renderItem()
invitations.on_command |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onCommand()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCommand()
forum.create_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createSection()
forum.delete_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteSection()
forum.create_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createGroup()
forum.delete_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteGroup()
forum.edit_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> editGroup()
forum.add_post |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnPostAdd()
forum.subscribe_user |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> subscribeUser()
forum.add_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addWidget()
forum.install_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
forum.delete_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteWidget()
forum.after_topic_add |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicAdd()
forum.after_topic_edit |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicEdit()
forum.before_topic_delete |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeTopicDelete()
base.on_user_block |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBlockUser()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userBlocked()
plugin.friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginIsActive()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendList()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list_by_display_name |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendListByDisplayName()
plugin.friends.check_friendship |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findFriendship()
plugin.friends.count_friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findCountOfUserFriendsInList()
plugin.friends.find_all_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllActiveFriendships()
plugin.friends.find_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findActiveFriendships()
feed.collect_follow |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedFollow()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectFollow()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyList()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.check_permission |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyPermissions()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionEverybody()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionOnlyForMe()
feed.collect_follow_permissions |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFollowPermissions()
friends.add_friend |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriend()
friends.send_friend_request |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendFriendRequest()
groups_on_group_delete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
groups_group_delete_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
groups_group_create_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupCreate()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupAdd()
groups_group_edit_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupEdit()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupEdit()
groups_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoin()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoinFeedAddFollow()
groups_user_left |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterUserLeave()
groups_before_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserJoin()
groups.on_toolbar_collect |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupToolbarCollect()
groups.get_all_group_users |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllGroupsUsers()
forum.check_permissions |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCheckPermissions()
forum.can_view |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCanView()
forum.activate_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumActivate()
forum.find_forum_caption |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumFindCaption()
forum.uninstall_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumUninstall()
forum.collect_widget_places |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCollectWidgetPlaces()
feed.collect_widgets |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectWidgets()
feed.on_widget_construct |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedWidgetConstruct()
invitations.on_dublicate |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteDublicate()
notifications.on_item_send |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onItemSend()
groups.invite_removed |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeFromInvitations()
groups.invite_user |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInvite()
widgets.before_place_delete |
SLIDESHOW_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeWidgetPlaceDelete()
feed.action |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> action()
feed.activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> activity()
feed.delete_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeActivity()
feed.get_all_follows |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAllFollows()
feed.install_widget |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> installGroupsWidget()
feed.delete_item |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteAction()
feed.get_status |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getStatus()
feed.remove_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFollow()
feed.is_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFollow()
feed.after_status_update |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> statusUpdate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userFeedStatusUpdate()
feed.after_like_removed |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeLike()
feed.add_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollow()
feed.on_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActivity()
feed.after_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterActivity()
feed.get_item_permalink |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPermalink()
feed.clear_cache |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteActionSet()
feed.is_inited |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFeedInited()
base_delete_comment |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteComment()
feed.before_action_delete |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeActionDelete()
feed.after_action_add |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterActionAdd()
plugin.mailbox.on_plugin_init.handle_controller_attributes |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onHandleControllerAttributes()
base.online_now_click |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onShowOnlineButton()
base.ping |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingPing()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_ping()
base.ping.notifications |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApiPing()
mailbox.ping |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
mailbox.mark_as_read |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkAsRead()
mailbox.mark_unread |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkUnread()
mailbox.get_conversation_id |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getConversationId()
mailbox.delete_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteConversation()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteConversation()
mailbox.create_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCreateConversation()
mailbox.authorize_action |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthorizeAction()
mailbox.find_user |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindUser()
winks.onAcceptWink |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptWink()
winks.onWinkBack |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onWinkBack()
mailbox.get_unread_message_count |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUnreadMessageCount()
mailbox.get_chat_user_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getChatUserList()
mailbox.post_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postMessage()
mailbox.post_reply_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postReplyMessage()
mailbox.get_new_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessages()
mailbox.get_new_messages_for_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessagesForConversation()
mailbox.get_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMessages()
mailbox.get_history |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getHistory()
mailbox.show_send_message_button |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> showSendMessageButton()
mailbox.get_active_mode_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActiveModeList()
mailbox.send_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendMessage()
mailbox.mark_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> markConversation()
base.attachment_uploaded |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAttachmentUpload()
mailbox.renderOembed |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderOembed()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserList |
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingUserListComponentInstance()
skmobileapp.get_application_config |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSkmobileappGetConfig()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationConfig()
skmobileapp.get_translations |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetTranslations()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationTranslations()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.get_main_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionMainPrivacyByOwnerIdList()
privacy_check_permission |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremission()
privacy_check_permission_for_user_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremissionForUserList()
plugin.privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> pluginIsActive()
base.query.user_filter |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
bookmarks.find_bookmarks_user_id_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindBookmarksUserIdList()
base.question.before_user_search |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserSearch()
base.before_user_online |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserOnline()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CTRL_Users |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUsersInstance()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CMP_UserList |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUserListInstance()
fake.collect_admin_users_menu_item |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminUsersMenuItem()
fake.collect_admin_mark_as_fake_button |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminMarkAsFakeButton()
base.ping.fake_messages_ping |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
base.ping.fake_step_info |
FAKE_BOL_ImportService -> getStepInfo()
base.notify_actions |
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_on_notify_actions()
base.ping.videoim_ping |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> getVideoImPingData()
skmobileapp.get_application_permissions |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationPermissions()
skmobileapp.formatted_users_data |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationFormattedUsersData()
class.get_instance.USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget()
invitations.add |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> addInvitation()
invitations.remove |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> removeInvitation()
notifications.remove |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeNotification()
notifications.on_item_render |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> renderItem()
notifications.send |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendNotification()
base.append_markup |
OW_DeveloperTools -> onAppendMarkup()