Mark name | Description | Time |
Page start | Script start. | 0.000 |
Before application init | Registering system data (includes system constants define, adding of standard package pointers, registering base classes, etc). | 0.022 |
After application init | Application initialization (includes setting application defaults, base managers init, active plugins init, creating default document, registering all static documents, etc). | 0.195 |
After routing | Routing process (searching controller+action which should handle the request). | 0.203 |
After controller action call | Calling controller action (plugin custom logic). | 0.237 |
After finalize | Getting final markup from all renderable objects. Compiling document body. | 0.240 |
Page end | Processing all headers and sending rendered document. | 0.264 |
Query | Params | Time |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_config | array ( ) | 0.000333 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language | array ( ) | 0.000211 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin | array ( ) | 0.001781 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000246 |
SET TIME_ZONE = ? | array ( 0 => '+00:00', ) | 0.000310 |
SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template | array ( ) | 0.000279 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = 'join' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000233 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'simplicity' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000207 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606 | array ( ) | 0.000141 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606 | array ( ) | 0.000108 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'platinum_pro' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000204 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'platinum_pro' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000107 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628 | array ( ) | 0.000096 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628 | array ( ) | 0.000111 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000103 |
SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1 | array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ) | 0.000210 |
SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC | array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ) | 0.000192 |
SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC | array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ) | 0.000121 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000157 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'base' AND `actionKey` = 'daily_login' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000129 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'base' AND `actionKey` = 'user_join' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000103 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'base' AND `actionKey` = 'search_users' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000080 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'base' AND `actionKey` = 'add_comment' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000075 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'buy_credits' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000074 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'grant_by_user' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000077 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'grant_to_user' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000076 |
SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = 'usercredits' AND `actionKey` = 'set_by_admin' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000073 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000197 |
SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = '1' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` | 0.000128 | |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN('sex','match_sex') ORDER BY sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000121 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN('username','email','password','sex','match_sex') ORDER BY sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000112 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN('','sex') ORDER BY sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000096 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN('username','email','password','sex','match_sex') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder | array ( ) | 0.000092 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000584 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000525 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000401 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000365 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'god1kyd6789ea275c563' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000279 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000632 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'email' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000190 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'password' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000206 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'repeatPassword' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000113 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000340 |
SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender | array ( ) | 0.000193 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '9ynihys452j6789ea275c716' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000545 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '7u7296789ea275c7a7' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000293 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000346 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'wyge96789ea275c8c1' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000313 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '72zyvet296789ea275c949' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000876 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'rylegit6789ea275c9d1' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000314 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000261 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'h2keke6789ea275caf5' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000370 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'ragihi56789ea275cb7b' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000400 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'soni56789ea275cc0d' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000231 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '94bo726789ea275cc92' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000276 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = 'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000292 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = '5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000259 |
UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k | array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ) | 0.000440 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = 'platinum_pro' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000124 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_language | array ( ) | 0.000208 |
SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN ('user_join', 'comment', 'avatar-change', 'photo_comments', 'blog-post', 'event', 'forum-topic', 'forum-post', 'group', 'user-status') AND `userId`=0 GROUP BY `entityType` | 0.000199 | |
SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN ('user_join', 'comment', 'avatar-change', 'photo_comments', 'blog-post', 'event', 'forum-topic', 'forum-post', 'group', 'user-status') AND 1 GROUP BY `entityType` | 0.000105 | |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_group | array ( ) | 0.000348 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator ORDER BY id | array ( ) | 0.000189 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator_permission | array ( ) | 0.000109 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action | array ( ) | 0.000276 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission | array ( ) | 0.000121 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC | array ( ) | 0.000184 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000148 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000156 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000076 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 | array ( ) | 0.000070 |
SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( 'wait' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( '0','1' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( 'chat' ) | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ) | 0.000113 |
SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( 'wait' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( 'chat' ) | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ) | 0.000082 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = 'pending' | array ( ) | 0.000091 |
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = 'pending' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = '0' | array ( ) | 0.000077 |
show tables like 'ow_base_geolocation_country' | 0.001349 | |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ) | 0.000121 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ) | 0.000101 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = 'index' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000150 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = '2' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000128 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ) | 0.000154 |
Type | Class | Path (class, template) |
Controller | SKADATE_CTRL_Join | /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/skadate/controllers/join.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/skadate/views/controllers/join_index.html |
Component | PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CMP_PasswordWrapper | /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/components/password_wrapper.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/views/components/password_wrapper.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_MainMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/main_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_BottomMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/bottom_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/bottom_menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SignIn | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sign_in.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SwitchLanguage | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/switch_language.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/switch_language.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_ConsoleButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Console | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_JoinButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/join_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/join_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Sidebar | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sidebar.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sidebar.html |
Event | Listener | Params |
base.get_active_theme_name Type: call Called at: 0.191 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
class.get_instance.OW_Response Type: trigger Called at: 0.193 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'OW_Response', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_join_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.194 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'menuItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => '304', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'dashboard', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '1', 'routePath' => 'base_member_dashboard', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'dashboard', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => '23', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '2', 'routePath' => 'base_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => '0', 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 2 => array ( 'id' => '211', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '3', 'routePath' => 'base_join', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 3 => array ( 'id' => '492', 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'photo', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '4', 'routePath' => 'view_photo_list', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'photo', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 4 => array ( 'id' => '507', 'prefix' => 'matchmaking', 'key' => 'matches_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '5', 'routePath' => 'matchmaking_members_page', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'matches_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 5 => array ( 'id' => '509', 'prefix' => 'membership', 'key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '6', 'routePath' => 'membership_subscribe', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '511', 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '8', 'routePath' => 'users-search', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menu_item_search', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 7 => array ( 'id' => '518', 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '9', 'routePath' => 'groups-index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_list', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 8 => array ( 'id' => '533', 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '11', 'routePath' => 'event.main_menu_route', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 9 => array ( 'id' => '565', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'documentKey' => 'page_eri81v36', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '14', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'arrowchat/public/mobile', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 10 => array ( 'id' => '566', 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '15', 'routePath' => 'blogs', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 11 => array ( 'id' => '573', 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '18', 'routePath' => 'forum-default', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'forum', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 12 => array ( 'id' => '576', 'prefix' => 'html5chat', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '19', 'routePath' => 'html5chat_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 13 => array ( 'id' => '577', 'prefix' => 'eupago', 'key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '20', 'routePath' => 'eupago.transactions', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 14 => array ( 'id' => '581', 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '21', 'routePath' => 'memberads_view_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menutext_value', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page-119658', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_99448870', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_54p2wa93', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_naq3lelu', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.000 |
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usercredits.action_add Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.006 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
array ( ) |
core.app_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.195 Exec time: 0.006 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
array ( ) |
core.after_route Type: trigger Called at: 0.203 Exec time: 0.003 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.SKADATE_CTRL_Join Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'SKADATE_CTRL_Join', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'join_index', ) |
core.set_document_heading Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'Registe-se na nossa comunidade!', ) |
class.get_instance.SKADATE_CLASS_JoinForm Type: trigger Called at: 0.206 Exec time: 0.000 |
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'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'loginCookieDao' => BOL_LoginCookieDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 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), ), 12 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 0.00011110305786132812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 15 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 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0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00029206275939941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 56 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002589225769042969, 'params' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'query' => 'UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k', 'execTime' => 0.0004398822784423828, 'params' => array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ), ), 58 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001239776611328125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.00020813941955566406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` 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'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'userFeaturedDao' => BOL_UserFeaturedDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002791881561279297, 'params' => array ( ), ), 38 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0006318092346191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 39 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'email\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001900196075439453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 40 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'password\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020599365234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 41 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'repeatPassword\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 42 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003399848937988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 43 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender', 'execTime' => 0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'userOnlineDao' => BOL_UserOnlineDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002791881561279297, 'params' => array ( ), ), 38 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0006318092346191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 39 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'email\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001900196075439453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 40 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'password\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020599365234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 41 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'repeatPassword\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 42 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003399848937988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 43 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender', 'execTime' => 0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\'', 'execTime' => 9.107589721679688E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 75 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = \'0\'', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 76 => array ( 'query' => 'show tables like \'ow_base_geolocation_country\'', 'execTime' => 0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'userSuspendDao' => BOL_UserSuspendDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002791881561279297, 'params' => array ( ), ), 38 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0006318092346191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 39 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'email\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001900196075439453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 40 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'password\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020599365234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 41 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'repeatPassword\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 42 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003399848937988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 43 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender', 'execTime' => 0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00029206275939941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 56 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002589225769042969, 'params' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'query' => 'UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k', 'execTime' => 0.0004398822784423828, 'params' => array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ), ), 58 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001239776611328125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.00020813941955566406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\'', 'execTime' => 9.107589721679688E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 75 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = \'0\'', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 76 => array ( 'query' => 'show tables like \'ow_base_geolocation_country\'', 'execTime' => 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= \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'userApproveDao' => BOL_UserApproveDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 12 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 0.00011110305786132812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 15 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => 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'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'restrictedUsernamesDao' => BOL_RestrictedUsernamesDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? 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'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE 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'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` 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'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'inviteCodeDao' => BOL_InviteCodeDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? 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'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'approveDao' => BOL_UserApproveDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 12 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 0.00011110305786132812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 15 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 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0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00029206275939941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 56 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002589225769042969, 'params' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'query' => 'UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k', 'execTime' => 0.0004398822784423828, 'params' => array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ), ), 58 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001239776611328125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.00020813941955566406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'resetPasswordDao' => BOL_UserResetPasswordDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 12 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 0.00011110305786132812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 15 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002791881561279297, 'params' => array ( ), ), 38 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0006318092346191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 39 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'email\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001900196075439453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 40 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'password\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020599365234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 41 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'repeatPassword\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 42 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003399848937988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 43 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender', 'execTime' => 0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` 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0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'userBlockDao' => BOL_UserBlockDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 12 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 13 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1628', 'execTime' => 0.00011110305786132812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 14 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `isStatic` = 1 AND `isMobile` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 15 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT * FROM `ow_base_menu_item` WHERE `visibleFor` & ? AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002791881561279297, 'params' => array ( ), ), 38 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0006318092346191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 39 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'email\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001900196075439453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 40 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'password\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020599365234375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 41 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'repeatPassword\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 42 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003399848937988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 43 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_skadate_account_type_to_gender', 'execTime' => 0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00029206275939941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 56 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002589225769042969, 'params' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'query' => 'UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k', 'execTime' => 0.0004398822784423828, 'params' => array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ), ), 58 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001239776611328125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.00020813941955566406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', 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0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\'', 'execTime' => 9.107589721679688E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 75 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = \'0\'', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 76 => array ( 'query' => 'show tables like \'ow_base_geolocation_country\'', 'execTime' => 0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), 'tokenDao' => BOL_AuthTokenDao::__set_state(array( 'dbo' => OW_Database::__set_state(array( 'connection' => PDO::__set_state(array( )), 'affectedRows' => 0, 'queryLog' => array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_config', 'execTime' => 0.00033283233642578125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 1 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.0002110004425048828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 2 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_plugin', 'execTime' => 0.0017809867858886719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 3 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00024580955505371094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 4 => array ( 'query' => 'SET TIME_ZONE = ?', 'execTime' => 0.00030994415283203125, 'params' => array ( 0 => '+00:00', ), ), 5 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_virtualgifts_template', 'execTime' => 0.0002789497375488281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 6 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_document WHERE `uri` = \'join\' AND `isStatic` = 1 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023293495178222656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 7 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'simplicity\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00020694732666015625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 8 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_content WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00014090538024902344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 9 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme_master_page WHERE `themeId` = 1606', 'execTime' => 0.00010800361633300781, 'params' => array ( ), ), 10 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002040863037109375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 11 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001068115234375, 'params' => array ( 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AND `externalUrl` IS NULL AND `type` = ? ORDER BY `order` ASC LIMIT 1', 'execTime' => 0.000209808349609375, 'params' => array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 'main', ), ), 16 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.0001919269561767578, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'main', ), ), 17 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `mi`.*, `mi`.`key` AS `menu_key`, `d`.`class`, `d`.`action`, `d`.`uri`, `d`.`isStatic` FROM `ow_base_menu_item` AS `mi` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_document` AS `d` ON ( `mi`.`documentKey` = `d`.`key`) WHERE `mi`.`type` = :menuType ORDER BY `mi`.`order` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( 'menuType' => 'bottom', ), ), 18 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00015687942504882812, 'params' => array ( ), ), 19 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'daily_login\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001289844512939453, 'params' => array ( ), ), 20 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'user_join\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000102996826171875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 21 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'search_users\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.987022399902344E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 22 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'base\' AND `actionKey` = \'add_comment\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.486343383789062E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 23 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'buy_credits\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.414817810058594E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 24 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_by_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 25 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'grant_to_user\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 26 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_usercredits_action WHERE `pluginKey` = \'usercredits\' AND `actionKey` = \'set_by_admin\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 7.295608520507812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 27 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_account_type ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00019693374633789062, 'params' => array ( ), ), 28 => array ( 'query' => ' SELECT `question`.* FROM `ow_base_question` as `question` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_question_section` as `section` ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != \'\' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL ) WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = \'1\' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 ) ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => NULL, ), 29 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( ), ), 30 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 0.00011205673217773438, 'params' => array ( ), ), 31 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` IN(\'\',\'sex\') ORDER BY sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.584426879882812E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 32 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question_value WHERE `questionName` IN(\'username\',\'email\',\'password\',\'sex\',\'match_sex\') ORDER BY questionName, sortOrder', 'execTime' => 9.202957153320312E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 33 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005841255187988281, 'params' => array ( ), ), 34 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005249977111816406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 35 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00040078163146972656, 'params' => array ( ), ), 36 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003650188446044922, 'params' => array ( ), ), 37 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'god1kyd6789ea275c563\' LIMIT 0, 1', 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0.00019288063049316406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 44 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'9ynihys452j6789ea275c716\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0005450248718261719, 'params' => array ( ), ), 45 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'7u7296789ea275c7a7\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002930164337158203, 'params' => array ( ), ), 46 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00034618377685546875, 'params' => array ( ), ), 47 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'wyge96789ea275c8c1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00031304359436035156, 'params' => array ( ), ), 48 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'72zyvet296789ea275c949\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0008759498596191406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 49 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'rylegit6789ea275c9d1\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0003139972686767578, 'params' => array ( ), ), 50 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00026106834411621094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 51 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'h2keke6789ea275caf5\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.000370025634765625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 52 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'ragihi56789ea275cb7b\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0004000663757324219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 53 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'soni56789ea275cc0d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00023102760314941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 54 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'94bo726789ea275cc92\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 55 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'b3basulu7ino86789ea275cd18\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00029206275939941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 56 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_question WHERE `name` = \'5ot4g3qib1vu66789ea275cd9d\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0002589225769042969, 'params' => array ( ), ), 57 => array ( 'query' => 'UPDATE `ow_base_plugin` SET developerKey=:dk WHERE `key`=:k', 'execTime' => 0.0004398822784423828, 'params' => array ( 'dk' => '99d6bdd5bb6468beaf118c4664dd92ff', 'k' => 'pcgallery', ), ), 58 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_theme WHERE `key` = \'platinum_pro\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001239776611328125, 'params' => array ( ), ), 59 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_language', 'execTime' => 0.00020813941955566406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 60 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', \'avatar-change\', \'photo_comments\', \'blog-post\', \'event\', \'forum-topic\', \'forum-post\', \'group\', \'user-status\') AND `userId`=0 GROUP BY `entityType`', 'execTime' => 0.0001990795135498047, 'params' => NULL, ), 61 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT count(DISTINCT `entityId`) `count`, `entityType` FROM `ow_moderation_entity` WHERE `entityType` IN (\'user_join\', \'comment\', \'avatar-change\', \'photo_comments\', \'blog-post\', \'event\', \'forum-topic\', \'forum-post\', \'group\', \'user-status\') AND 1 GROUP BY `entityType`', 'execTime' => 0.0001049041748046875, 'params' => NULL, ), 62 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_group', 'execTime' => 0.0003478527069091797, 'params' => array ( ), ), 63 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator ORDER BY id', 'execTime' => 0.00018906593322753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 64 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_moderator_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00010895729064941406, 'params' => array ( ), ), 65 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_action', 'execTime' => 0.0002760887145996094, 'params' => array ( ), ), 66 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_permission', 'execTime' => 0.00012087821960449219, 'params' => array ( ), ), 67 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_authorization_role ORDER BY `sortOrder` ASC', 'execTime' => 0.00018405914306640625, 'params' => array ( ), ), 68 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.0001480579376220703, 'params' => array ( ), ), 69 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_base_invitation WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 0.00015616416931152344, 'params' => array ( ), ), 70 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0 AND `viewed` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.605552673339844E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 71 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ow_notifications_notification WHERE `userId` = 0', 'execTime' => 7.009506225585938E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 72 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` IN( \'0\',\'1\' ) AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 0.00011301040649414062, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, ), ), 73 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( \'wait\' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( \'chat\' )', 'execTime' => 8.20159912109375E-5, 'params' => array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ), ), 74 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\'', 'execTime' => 9.107589721679688E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 75 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = \'pending\' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = \'0\'', 'execTime' => 7.700920104980469E-5, 'params' => array ( ), ), 76 => array ( 'query' => 'show tables like \'ow_base_geolocation_country\'', 'execTime' => 0.0013489723205566406, 'params' => NULL, ), 77 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00012111663818359375, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'top', ), ), 78 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.0001010894775390625, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), 79 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = \'index\' LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.0001499652862548828, 'params' => array ( ), ), 80 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = \'2\' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1', 'execTime' => 0.00012803077697753906, 'params' => array ( ), ), 81 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, \'base\' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL)', 'execTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'params' => array ( 'pluginKey' => 'SKADATE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ), 'debugMode' => true, 'isProfilerEnabled' => true, 'profiler' => UTIL_Profiler::__set_state(array( 'checkPoints' => array ( 'start' => 1737091623.427587, ), 'key' => 'db', 'result' => array ( ), 'chkCounter' => 0, )), 'queryExecTime' => 0.00015401840209960938, 'totalQueryExecTime' => 0.020305395126342773, 'queryCount' => 82, 'useCashe' => false, )), )), )), )), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.207 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validate_common_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
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servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_submit_default_value', ) |
base.event.on_find_base_sign_up_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.211 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.212 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => 'username', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', ) |
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
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base.questions_field_add_fake_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
array ( 'id' => '81', 'name' => 'password', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'password', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '2', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', ) |
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.213 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
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base.questions_field_add_fake_questions Type: trigger Called at: 0.214 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
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base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
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base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.215 Exec time: 0.001 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
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servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => 'r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_gy6ezo7ax6789ea275c390 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_r3d4heg1p48a6789ea275c34c_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.001 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => 'l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_ri6alot6789ea275c402 ow_alt1', 'fake' => false, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.216 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_l2q2p3x2sitek6789ea275c3c1_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
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base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => 'hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_6axew4sa66789ea275c492 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_hi9ulene7ab6789ea275c453_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => '7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.217 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => '7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => '7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_ga9eto6789ea275c51a ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_7aj3dyg4v26789ea275c4dc_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'god1kyd6789ea275c563', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'god1kyd6789ea275c563', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => 'god1kyd6789ea275c563', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_te93hikugy6789ea275c5a1 ow_alt1', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_god1kyd6789ea275c563_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => '6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.218 Exec time: 0.001 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => '6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '80', 'name' => '6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '0', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'trClass' => 'ow_5em3ge6789ea275c626 ow_alt1', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'username', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_6uw25urykyhe6789ea275c5e9_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'email', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'text', 'fieldName' => 'email', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '82', 'name' => 'email', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'text', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '1', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '1', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'fake' => false, 'realName' => 'email', 'trClass' => 'ow_alt2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_email_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'password', 'fieldName' => 'password', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.219 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'password', 'fieldName' => 'password', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'id' => '81', 'name' => 'password', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'type' => 'text', 'presentation' => 'password', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '0', 'base' => '1', 'removable' => '0', 'columnCount' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '2', 'custom' => '[]', 'parent' => '', 'fake' => false, 'realName' => 'password', 'trClass' => 'ow_alt1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_password_label', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'password', 'fieldName' => 'repeatPassword', 'configs' => NULL, 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'password', 'fieldName' => 'repeatPassword', 'configs' => NULL, ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_repeat_password_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.220 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_p4nig1do6789ea275c6ca ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_jusy83b1wynaz6789ea275c68c_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.001 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.221 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '9ynihys452j6789ea275c716', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.001 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '9ynihys452j6789ea275c716', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => '9ynihys452j6789ea275c716', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_8i7oj1g6789ea275c758 ow_alt1', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_9ynihys452j6789ea275c716_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '7u7296789ea275c7a7', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.222 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '7u7296789ea275c7a7', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => '7u7296789ea275c7a7', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_l254j26789ea275c7e8 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_7u7296789ea275c7a7_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => '936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_jak4jub46789ea275c876 ow_alt1', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_936ixyv4wohe76789ea275c834_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'wyge96789ea275c8c1', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.223 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'wyge96789ea275c8c1', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'wyge96789ea275c8c1', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_pyr2l4916789ea275c900 ow_alt1', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_wyge96789ea275c8c1_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '72zyvet296789ea275c949', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.224 Exec time: 0.001 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => '72zyvet296789ea275c949', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => '72zyvet296789ea275c949', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_z3v2ra926789ea275c988 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_72zyvet296789ea275c949_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'rylegit6789ea275c9d1', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'select', 'fieldName' => 'rylegit6789ea275c9d1', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_select_field_invitation_label', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'rylegit6789ea275c9d1', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'select', 'presentation' => 'select', 'required' => '1', 'onJoin' => '0', 'onEdit' => '0', 'onSearch' => '0', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '0', 'sortOrder' => '4', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => '', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '94', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_7y9ekis4vo6789ea275ca0f ow_alt1', 'fake' => false, 'realName' => 'sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_rylegit6789ea275c9d1_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.225 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'r2po9u6789ea275ca6d', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'multiselect', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '1', 'onSearch' => '1', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '5', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => 'sex', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '111', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_sibyjuty76789ea275caac ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'match_sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_r2po9u6789ea275ca6d_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'h2keke6789ea275caf5', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'h2keke6789ea275caf5', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'h2keke6789ea275caf5', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'multiselect', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '1', 'onSearch' => '1', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '5', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => 'sex', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '111', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_5u8inuxala6789ea275cb33 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'match_sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_h2keke6789ea275caf5_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_b34ad30aa5467cc8328f33822d68c0f9', ) |
base.questions_field_get_label Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
array ( 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'ragihi56789ea275cb7b', 'configs' => '[]', 'type' => 'edit', ) |
base.questions_field_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.226 Exec time: 0.000 |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
array ( 'type' => 'main', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'fieldName' => 'ragihi56789ea275cb7b', 'configs' => '[]', ) |
base.questions_field_add_label_edit Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'name' => 'ragihi56789ea275cb7b', 'sectionName' => 'f90cde5913235d172603cc4e7b9726e3', 'type' => 'multiselect', 'presentation' => 'multicheckbox', 'required' => 0, 'onJoin' => '1', 'onEdit' => '1', 'onSearch' => '1', 'onView' => '1', 'base' => '0', 'removable' => '1', 'sortOrder' => '5', 'columnCount' => '1', 'parent' => 'sex', 'custom' => '[]', 'id' => '111', 'accountTypeName' => NULL, 'trClass' => 'ow_gyb4baw6789ea275cbc4 ow_alt2', 'fake' => true, 'realName' => 'match_sex', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_question_ragihi56789ea275cb7b_label', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_808aa8ca354f51c5a3868dad5298cd72', ) |
base.event.on_get_question_lang Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
array ( 'type' => 'value', 'name' => 'sex', 'value' => '2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.227 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'questions_account_type_8cc28eaddb382d7c6a94aeea9ec029fb', ) |
Event | Listener |
core.exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
core.emergency_exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEmergencyExit()
base.billing.on_after_delivered_sale |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterBillingDeliverSale()
base.user_login |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSaveStatistics()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSetAdminCookie()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
content.after_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
base.add_global_lang_keys |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddGlobalLangs()
base.user_unregister |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserContent()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterDeleteDisaproved()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterRemovePreference()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteMediaPanelFiles()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterClearMailQueue()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserDeleted()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserAttachments()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserMembership()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditBalance()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditLogs()
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserUnregister()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserContent()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userUnregister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeUserPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_delete_user_content()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnRegister()
base.user_logout |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogout()
base.user_register |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinMandatoryUserApprove()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegisterWelcomeLetter()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypeUserRoleOnUserRegister()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteInviteCode()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserJoin()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRegister()
base.user_edit |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEditFeed()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterUserEdit()
feed.after_comment_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserJoinCommentFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarCommentFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterCommentAdd()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterFeedCommentAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterComment()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_comment()
feed.after_like_added |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeUserJoin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarLikeFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterLikeAdded()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftLike()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnLike()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedTopicLike()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_like()
notifications.collect_actions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCollectNotificationActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
base_add_comment |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCommentAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> notifyOnNewComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPostComment()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCommentNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_comment_notification()
base.update_entity_items_status |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateEntityItemsStatus()
base.user_suspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendSuspendNotification()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserSuspend()
PostService -> onAuthorSuspend()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.user_unsuspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_approve |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserApprove()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_disapprove |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_mark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.on_user_unmark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.questions_field_get_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
base.before_decorator |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDecoratorRender()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeDecorator()
plugin.privacy.get_action_list |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyAddAction()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyAction()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> privacyAddAction()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_privacy_add_action()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
base.members_only_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMembersOnlyException()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addMembersOnlyException()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.splash_screen_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddSplashScreenExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.password_protected_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPasswordProtectedExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.maintenance_mode_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMaintenanceModeExceptions()
admin.add_auth_labels |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAuthLabels()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_add_auth_labels()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_auth_labels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
socialsharing.get_entity_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetUserInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetPhotoInfo()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetGiftInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetBlogInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetEventInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetForumInfo()
base.before_save_user |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setUserRoleOnChangeAccountType()
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
base.join_form_render |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInviteMembersProcessJoinForm()
base.moderation_panel_widget_collect_contents |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
base.moderation_tools.collect_menu |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
content.before_delete |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteEntityFlags()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDelete()
base.after_avatar_update |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarChange()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAvatarUpdate()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserAvatar()
base.before_user_avatar_delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarDelete()
content.collect_types |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
content.get_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
content.update_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
content.delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
base.user_list.get_displayed_fields |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFields()
base.user_list.get_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListQuestions()
base.user_list.get_field_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFieldValue()
base.sitemap.get_urls |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
base.provide_page_meta_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProvideMetaInfoForPage()
base.on_after_generate_email_verification_code |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> generateEmailVerificationCode()
base.add_profile_action_toolbar |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddDeleteActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddFlagActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddSuspendActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddAuthActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserFeatureActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserBlockActionTool()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendGiftActionTool()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionTools()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendMessageActionTool()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
base.dashboard_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDashboardMenuItem()
base.preference_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceMenuItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyPreferenceMenuItem()
base.on_avatar_toolbar_collect |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
core.finalize |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsDeclarations()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeAddScrollJs()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeCheckIfSiteFullyInstalled()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsCode()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEmojiPicker()
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIncludeStaticFiles()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> initVideoImRequest()
admin.add_admin_notification |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdminNotification()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAdminNotifications()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
ads.enabled_plugins |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
core.plugin_uninstall |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstallDeleteComments()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsUninstallDeleteGateway()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginUninstall()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsUninstall()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginUninstall()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginUninstall()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstall()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removePluginPrivacy()
base.preference_add_form_element |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
base.preference_section_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
feed.collect_configurable_activity |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectConfigurableActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_configurable_activity()
base.attachment_save_image |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSaveAttachmentImage()
join.get_captcha_field |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCaptcha()
core.after_route |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
base.add_quick_link |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuickLinksCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_quick_links()
base.collect_seo_meta_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
class.get_instance |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetClassInstance()
| |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
console.collect_items |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> collectItems()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> collectItems()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItems()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> collectItems()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectConsoleItems()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeUsers()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeMessages()
core.plugins_init |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> afterInits()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPluginsInit()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> afterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterAppInit()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_FormatManager -> collectFormats()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> updatePlugin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
core.plugin_activate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginActivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginsActivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginActivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginActivate()
core.plugin_deactivate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginDeactivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsDeactivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginDeactivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginDeactivate()
console.load_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> loadList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> loadList()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> loadList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> loadList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLoadConsoleList()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleLoadFakeMessagesList()
| |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> ping()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> ping()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> ping()
notifications.send_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> sendList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationSendList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleSendList()
admin.disable_fields_on_edit_profile_question |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDisableActionList()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableProfileQuestions()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableFieldsOnEditProfileQuestion()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinStampDisableActionList()
admin.check_if_admin_page |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkIfAdminPage()
usearch.collect_user_actions |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollowAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriendAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addBlockAction()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> usearchCollectUserActions()
usearch.get_user_id_list |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSearchResult()
base.questions_field_init |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
base.question.search_sql |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> setSearchSql()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionSearchSql()
authorization.layer_check |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
authorization.layer_check_collect_error |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
base.on_before_role_delete |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteRole()
base.billing_add_gateway_product |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> billingAddGatewayProduct()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectBillingGatewayProduct()
base.collect_subscribe_menu |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
membership.deliver_sale_notification |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeliverSaleNotification()
photo.album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumAdd()
photo.album_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumFind()
photo.album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumDelete()
photo.entity_albums_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsFind()
photo.add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAdd()
photo.find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFind()
photo.finds |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFinds()
photo.delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoDelete()
photo.album_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosCount()
photo.album_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosFind()
photo.entity_albums_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsCount()
photo.entity_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosFind()
photo.entity_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosCount()
photo.entity_albums_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsDelete()
photo.init_floatbox |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> initFloatbox()
photo.get_photo_view_status |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoViewStatus()
plugin.privacy.on_change_action_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangePrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeActionPrivacy()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
base.query.content_filter |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerBaseContentFilter()
feed.on_entity_action |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAction()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedEntityAction()
feed.collect_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectPrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectPrivacy()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_privacy()
usercredits.on_action_collect |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_BaseCredits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
HOTLIST_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
EVENT_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FRIENDS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
usercredits.get_action_key |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
photo.on_album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumAdd()
photo.on_album_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumEdit()
photo.before_album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeAlbumDelete()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDeleteAlbum()
| |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoAdd()
photo.after_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
photo.onBeforeDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
photo.after_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoDelete()
photo.createUserAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> createUserAlbum()
photo.getMainAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMainAlbum()
photo.addSearchData |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addSearchData()
feed.before_content_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedBeforeStatusUpdate()
photo.backgroundLoadPhoto |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> backgroundLoadPhoto()
photo.onUpdateContent |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateContent()
photo.get_cover |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumCoverUrl()
photo.get_album_names |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumNames()
moderation.after_content_approve |
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterContentApprove()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
base.add_new_content_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAddNewContentItem()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddNewContent()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_new_content_item()
feed.on_item_render |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRenderActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> genericItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> desktopItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedItemRenderFlagBtn()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
photo.onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete()
photo.onBeforePhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoMove()
photo.onAfterPhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoMove()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPhotoMode()
photo.getAddPhotoURL |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPhotoURL()
base.avatar_change_collect_sections |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumsForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_section |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumPhotosForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoForAvatar()
usercredits.action_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
usercredits.action_update |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionUpdate()
usercredits.action_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionDelete()
usercredits.action_info |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionInfo()
usercredits.check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance_for_action_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalanceForActionList()
usercredits.get_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getBalance()
usercredits.track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackAction()
usercredits.error_message |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getErrorMessage()
usercredits.last_action_timestamp |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getLastActionTimestamp()
core.before_document_render |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingMasterPage()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
friends.request-sent |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestSent()
core.app_init |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
usercredits.grant |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGrantCredits()
usercredits.set_by_moderator |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSetCredits()
usercredits.get_action_label |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActionLabel()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserCreditsActionLabel()
billingccbill.get-subaccount-config |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetCcbillSubaccountConfigValue()
billingccbill.collect-subaccount-fields |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectCcbillSubaccountField()
authorization.layer_check_track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckTrackAction()
core.after_plugin_deactivate |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginDeactivate()
birthdays.today_birthday_user_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBirthday()
base.event.on_account_type_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeAdd()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.event.on_account_type_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeDelete()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
guests.get_guests_list |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getList()
guests.get_new_guests_count |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewCount()
guests.mark_guests_viewed |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markViewed()
guests.track_visit |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackVisit()
| |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProfilePageRender()
base.on_plugin_info_update |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginInfoUpdate()
admin.get.possible_values_disable_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderDisableValuesMassage()
admin.questions.get_edit_delete_question_buttons_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderGetEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
admin.questions.get_preview_question_values_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPreviewQuestionValuesContent()
base.event.on_before_add_questions_to_new_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuestionsToNewAccountType()
admin.questions.get_question_page_checkbox_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
admin.get_soft_version_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSoftVersionText()
base.on_after_add_or_update_value_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAddOrUpdateValueLang()
base.event.on_get_question_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
base.event.on_account_type_reorder |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.on_before_user_complete_profile |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.on_before_user_complete_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.questions_get_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderData()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsGetData()
base.questions_save_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUpdate()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsSaveData()
base.after_avatar_change |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarChange()
usercredits.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> usercreditsGetProductId()
membership.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> membershipGetProductId()
speedmatch.suggest_users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> suggestSpeedmatchUsers()
photo.collect_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoCollectExtendedSettings()
photo.save_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoSaveExtendedSettings()
photo.getPhotoList |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryUserPhoto()
admin.filter_themes_to_choose |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> filterAdminThemes()
core.get_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetText()
class.get_instance.JoinForm |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinForm()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetInstanceUsersCmp()
base.get_default_theme |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDefaultTheme()
base.on_notify_admin_about_invalid_items |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyAdminAboutInvalidItems()
speedmatch.display_mutual_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> displaySpeedmatchMutualMessage()
core.after_dispatch |
OW_Application -> activateMenuItem()
OW_Application -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
core.plugin_install |
base.add_page_top_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageTopBanner()
base.add_page_bottom_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageBottomBanner()
base.event.on_question_delete |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionDelete()
admin.before_save_lang_value |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeSaveLangValue()
matchmaking.get_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchList()
matchmaking.get_list_count |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchListCount()
matchmaking.get_compatibility |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibility()
matchmaking.get_compatibility_for_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibilityForList()
base.question.add_question_form.on_get_available_sections |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetAvailableSections()
base.add_main_console_item |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserViewSection |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> viewProfileDetailsMatchSection()
admin.questions.get_account_types_checkbox_content |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypesCheckboxContent()
hotlist.count |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCount()
hotlist.get_id_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getListIdList()
hotlist.add_to_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addToList()
hotlist.remove_from_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFromList()
hotlist.is_user_added |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> isUserAdded()
notifications.add |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> addNotification()
notifications.is_permited |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> isNotificationPermited()
virtualgifts.send_gift |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendGift()
feed.on_entity_add |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPost()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedStatusAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAdd()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_entity_add()
usercredits.action_update_disabled_status |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> onCreditsUpdateActionDisabledStatus()
| |
bookmarks.is_mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> isMark()
bookmarks.mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markUser()
bookmarks.unmark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> unMarkUser()
bookmarks.get_mark_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMarksByIdList()
bookmarks.get_user_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserList()
wink.renderWink |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWink()
wink.renderWinkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWinkBack()
winks.isWinkSent |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getIsWinkSent()
winks.winkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> winkBack()
moderation.approve |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> approveEntity()
content.before_change |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterChange()
base.after_config_save |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterConfigSave()
photo.form_complete |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoFormComplete()
photo.onReadyResponse |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onReadyResponse()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumInfo |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumInfo()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumNameList |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumNames()
photo.view_album |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onViewAlbum()
photo.upload_data |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetPhotoUploadData()
photo.collect_photo_context_actions |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPhotoContext()
protectedphotos.init_enter_password |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initEnterPassword()
protectedphotos.init_headers |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initHeaders()
photo.onDownloadPhoto |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDownloadPhoto()
photo.onRate |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRatePhoto()
photo.onIndexWidgetListReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIndexWidgetReady()
photo.albumsWidgetReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumsWidgetReady()
photo.onRenderAjaxUpload |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderUploadAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderEditAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderEditAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderCreateFakeAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderCreateFakeAlbumForm()
photo.user_album_view |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAlbumView()
photo.after_add_feed |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAfterAddFeed()
friends.request-accepted |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccept()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptRequest()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccepted()
friends.cancelled |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendShipCancel()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCancelRequest()
photo.getPhotoUrl |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoGetUrl()
base.add_user_list |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addUserListData()
googlelocation.get_map_component |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMapComponent()
event.event_add_form.get_element |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> eventEditLocationInit()
events.before_event_edit |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventEdit()
events.before_event_create |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventCreate()
event_after_create_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventCrate()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterAdd()
event.add_content_menu_item |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventContentMenuItem()
events.view.content.after_event_description |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventMapOnViewPage()
event_on_delete_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEventDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteEvent()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onEventDelete()
googlelocation.calc_distance |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> calcDistance()
googlelocation.add_js_lib |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsLib()
base.questions_field_get_value |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldGetValue()
feed.on_entity_update |
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateBlogPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
blogs.before_delete |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePostDelete()
blogs.after_add |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostAdd()
blogs.after_edit |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostEdit()
event_after_event_edit |
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEditEvent()
event.invite_user |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserInvite()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onInvite()
event.is_plugin_active |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> isPluginActive()
event_on_create_event |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddEvent()
events.collect_toolbar |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectToolbar()
event_on_change_user_status |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserStatus()
invitations.on_item_render |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteRender()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> renderItem()
invitations.on_command |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onCommand()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCommand()
forum.create_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createSection()
forum.delete_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteSection()
forum.create_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createGroup()
forum.delete_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteGroup()
forum.edit_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> editGroup()
forum.add_post |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnPostAdd()
forum.subscribe_user |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> subscribeUser()
forum.add_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addWidget()
forum.install_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
forum.delete_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteWidget()
forum.after_topic_add |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicAdd()
forum.after_topic_edit |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicEdit()
forum.before_topic_delete |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeTopicDelete()
base.on_user_block |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBlockUser()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userBlocked()
plugin.friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginIsActive()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendList()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list_by_display_name |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendListByDisplayName()
plugin.friends.check_friendship |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findFriendship()
plugin.friends.count_friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findCountOfUserFriendsInList()
plugin.friends.find_all_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllActiveFriendships()
plugin.friends.find_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findActiveFriendships()
feed.collect_follow |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedFollow()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectFollow()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyList()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.check_permission |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyPermissions()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionEverybody()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionOnlyForMe()
feed.collect_follow_permissions |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFollowPermissions()
friends.add_friend |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriend()
friends.send_friend_request |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendFriendRequest()
groups_on_group_delete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
groups_group_delete_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
groups_group_create_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupCreate()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupAdd()
groups_group_edit_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupEdit()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupEdit()
groups_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoin()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoinFeedAddFollow()
groups_user_left |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterUserLeave()
groups_before_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserJoin()
groups.on_toolbar_collect |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupToolbarCollect()
groups.get_all_group_users |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllGroupsUsers()
forum.check_permissions |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCheckPermissions()
forum.can_view |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCanView()
forum.activate_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumActivate()
forum.find_forum_caption |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumFindCaption()
forum.uninstall_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumUninstall()
forum.collect_widget_places |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCollectWidgetPlaces()
feed.collect_widgets |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectWidgets()
feed.on_widget_construct |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedWidgetConstruct()
invitations.on_dublicate |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteDublicate()
notifications.on_item_send |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onItemSend()
groups.invite_removed |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeFromInvitations()
groups.invite_user |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInvite()
widgets.before_place_delete |
SLIDESHOW_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeWidgetPlaceDelete()
feed.action |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> action()
feed.activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> activity()
feed.delete_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeActivity()
feed.get_all_follows |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAllFollows()
feed.install_widget |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> installGroupsWidget()
feed.delete_item |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteAction()
feed.get_status |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getStatus()
feed.remove_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFollow()
feed.is_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFollow()
feed.after_status_update |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> statusUpdate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userFeedStatusUpdate()
feed.after_like_removed |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeLike()
feed.add_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollow()
feed.on_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActivity()
feed.after_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterActivity()
feed.get_item_permalink |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPermalink()
feed.clear_cache |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteActionSet()
feed.is_inited |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFeedInited()
base_delete_comment |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteComment()
feed.before_action_delete |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeActionDelete()
feed.after_action_add |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterActionAdd()
plugin.mailbox.on_plugin_init.handle_controller_attributes |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onHandleControllerAttributes()
base.online_now_click |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onShowOnlineButton()
| |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingPing()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_ping()
| |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApiPing()
| |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
mailbox.mark_as_read |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkAsRead()
mailbox.mark_unread |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkUnread()
mailbox.get_conversation_id |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getConversationId()
mailbox.delete_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteConversation()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteConversation()
mailbox.create_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCreateConversation()
mailbox.authorize_action |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthorizeAction()
mailbox.find_user |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindUser()
winks.onAcceptWink |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptWink()
winks.onWinkBack |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onWinkBack()
mailbox.get_unread_message_count |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUnreadMessageCount()
mailbox.get_chat_user_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getChatUserList()
mailbox.post_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postMessage()
mailbox.post_reply_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postReplyMessage()
mailbox.get_new_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessages()
mailbox.get_new_messages_for_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessagesForConversation()
mailbox.get_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMessages()
mailbox.get_history |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getHistory()
mailbox.show_send_message_button |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> showSendMessageButton()
mailbox.get_active_mode_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActiveModeList()
mailbox.send_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendMessage()
mailbox.mark_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> markConversation()
base.attachment_uploaded |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAttachmentUpload()
mailbox.renderOembed |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderOembed()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserList |
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingUserListComponentInstance()
skmobileapp.get_application_config |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSkmobileappGetConfig()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationConfig()
skmobileapp.get_translations |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetTranslations()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationTranslations()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.get_main_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionMainPrivacyByOwnerIdList()
privacy_check_permission |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremission()
privacy_check_permission_for_user_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremissionForUserList()
plugin.privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> pluginIsActive()
base.query.user_filter |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
bookmarks.find_bookmarks_user_id_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindBookmarksUserIdList()
base.question.before_user_search |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserSearch()
base.before_user_online |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserOnline()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CTRL_Users |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUsersInstance()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CMP_UserList |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUserListInstance()
fake.collect_admin_users_menu_item |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminUsersMenuItem()
fake.collect_admin_mark_as_fake_button |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminMarkAsFakeButton()
| |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
| |
FAKE_BOL_ImportService -> getStepInfo()
base.notify_actions |
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_on_notify_actions()
| |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> getVideoImPingData()
skmobileapp.get_application_permissions |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationPermissions()
skmobileapp.formatted_users_data |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationFormattedUsersData()
class.get_instance.USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget()
invitations.add |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> addInvitation()
invitations.remove |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> removeInvitation()
notifications.remove |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeNotification()
notifications.on_item_render |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> renderItem()
notifications.send |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendNotification()
base.append_markup |
OW_DeveloperTools -> onAppendMarkup()