XX.pt é um site de relacionamentos online em Portugal para fazer amizades, namorar ou simplesmente conversar no chat online. Somos uma rede social portuguesa exclusivamente dedicada a novas relações amorosas, procurando simplificar a interação entre pessoas de coração livre à procura do seu par ideal, numa plataforma de fácil utilização conciliando diversos factores determinantes para o seu sucesso no campo sentimental. Se procura o melhor site de encontros para conhecer mulheres ou homens em Portugal, está no endereço certo: Está no XX.pt
O amor não escolhe idade e todos têm o direito de ser felizes, qualquer pessoa com idade igual ou superior a dezoito anos pode inscrever-se gratuitamente e fazer parte desta comunidade de encontros online. Reunimos de igual forma homens solteiros ou mulheres divorciadas, quem queira encontrar alguém para namorar dando os primeiros passos no campo sentimental ou quem procure uma amizade sincera para afastar a solidão. Baseamos o nosso serviço em pilares fundamentais para garantir a satisfação do utilizador: segurança, anonimato, transparência e eficiência. Desenvolvemos uma plataforma virtual sólida com um interface intuitivo para qualquer utilizador português, repleta de ferramentas de comunicação muito para além do tradicional chat online com ou sem webcam. Com o passar do tempo, assumimos com destaque o título de um dos melhores sites de namoro e amizade em Portugal. Contamos com milhares de utilizadores ativos e muitos outros milhares que, por terem conhecido o seu par perfeito com a nossa ajuda, deixaram de ser presença assídua na rede social para pessoas solteiras e disponíveis. Quando se reúnem tantas pessoas com interesses comuns no mesmo clube de amizade, torna-se fácil interagir e desenvolver novos relacionamentos, o amor simplesmente acontece com naturalidade e relacionamentos sólidos nascem.
Porque ninguém nasceu para estar só e tudo na vida é bem melhor quando compartilhado com alguém especial, a nossa missão é estimular novas amizades e namoro em Portugal, fazendo as pessoas mais felizes. Para que qualquer pessoa possa experimentar tudo aquilo que temos para oferecer e comprovar sem margem de dúvida porque somos o site de encontros online de eleição dos portugueses, possibilitamos inscrições gratuitas. Em breves minutos pode registar-se no XX.pt, é rápido, grátis e simples para começar a namorar através da internet sem dificuldade, ampliando o universo de potenciais namoradas/os disponíveis e maximizando não só o número de contactos diários recebidos / efectuados como também a probabilidade de conhecer sua alma gémea, aquela pessoa que realmente combina consigo. A nossa proposta é muito simples: abrir as portas do amor a qualquer cidadão maior de dezoito anos em Portugal, desde quem pretende conhecer pessoas novas gratuitamente, até ao cavalheiro que procura senhoras para amizade. Nesse sentido criámos todas as condições para que possa finalmente, de forma fácil e segura, por um ponto final na solidão e dar espaço ao romance.
O primeiro passo é criar o seu perfil grátis, um processo que fica concluído em poucos minutos, onde constará informação sobre si, servindo de seu cartão de apresentação para os outros utilizadores, tal como na rede social Facebook. Quanto mais completo for o seu perfil, mais atrativo será, especialmente se incluir uma ou mais fotos. Nele constarão a sua idade, altura, cor dos olhos, se fuma ou não, zona geográfica de localização, signo, altura, etc… Baseado nas informações contidas nos milhares de perfis, o nosso motor de busca interno consegue filtrar com precisão até encontrar aqueles que correspondem aos seus requisitos. Vamos muito mais além do tradicional site de classificados onde se colocavam anúncios do género “procuro namorado assunto sério”.
Mediante os critérios escolhidos por si, surgirão diversos perfis respeitando os mesmos. Pode a partir daí iniciar uma conversação através de mensagem ou no chat online. É você que decide com quem deseja falar, quando e sobre o quê. Pode bloquear utilizadores durante o tempo que quiser, portanto não terá de enfrentar membros entediantes, estando livre para se focar nas pessoas que realmente cativam o seu interesse. Navegue com confiança e segurança no XX.pt o seu novo site de encontros onde fazemos tudo para manter os utilizadores felizes. Somos o ponto de encontro perfeito para todos os corações livres de Portugal, inscreva-se gratuitamente agora mesmo e encontre muitos homens ou mulheres divorciadas / solteiras que realmente gostariam de conversar consigo no chat, desenvolvendo uma amizade virtual sincera que é sempre o primeiro passo a dar.
Perfeito para mulher procura homem em busca de um grande amor, ideal no caso de homem procura mulher para amizade compartilhando interesses comuns. O XX.pt é líder entre os sites para fazer amizades com inscrição grátis em Portugal, somos uma comunidade online vibrante onde encontrará milhares de pessoas solitárias, solteiras, divorciadas, viúvas e acima de tudo disponíveis para amar, tal como você. Disponibilizamos todas as ferramentas necessárias para estimular novos relacionamentos e os membros ativos aumentam diariamente. Como finalmente nos encontrou e também quer dar uma chance ao amor, acreditando que é apenas uma questão de tempo até encontrar o seu par perfeito, inscreva-se gratuitamente nesta rede social de namoro e amizade. Deixe a conversa fluir enquanto se diverte no chat online, descubra o que é poder contactar facilmente com milhares de pessoas à distância de uns simples cliques e viva um namoro arrebatador cheio de paixão, que será presságio de um casamento feliz. Atendendo ao crescente número de utilizadores ativos e elevado feedback positivo recebido sobre relações amorosas iniciadas aqui, não podíamos estar mais otimistas acercas das suas excelentes hipóteses de encontrar alguém para amar no XX.pt. Dê o primeiro passo rumo à felicidade, desejamos-lhe a melhor sorte do mundo no seu próximo relacionamento.
Mark name | Description | Time |
Page start | Script start. | 0.000 |
Before application init | Registering system data (includes system constants define, adding of standard package pointers, registering base classes, etc). | 0.022 |
After application init | Application initialization (includes setting application defaults, base managers init, active plugins init, creating default document, registering all static documents, etc). | 0.244 |
After routing | Routing process (searching controller+action which should handle the request). | 0.261 |
After controller action call | Calling controller action (plugin custom logic). | 0.266 |
After finalize | Getting final markup from all renderable objects. Compiling document body. | 0.271 |
Page end | Processing all headers and sending rendered document. | 0.327 |
Query | Params | Time |
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SELECT COUNT( `w`.`id` ) FROM `ow_winks_winks` as `w` WHERE 1 AND `partnerId` = :partnerId AND `w`.`status` IN( 'wait' ) AND `w`.`viewed` = :viewed AND `w`.`messageType` IN( 'chat' ) | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'viewed' => 0, ) | 0.000143 |
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SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ow_friends_friendship` `friends_friendship` INNER JOIN `ow_base_user` base_user_table_alias ON base_user_table_alias.`id` = `friends_friendship`.`userId` LEFT JOIN `ow_base_user_suspend` base_user_suspend_table_alias ON base_user_suspend_table_alias.`userId` = `base_user_table_alias`.`id` WHERE (`base_user_suspend_table_alias`.`id` IS NULL) AND `friends_friendship`.`friendId`=0 AND `friends_friendship`.`status` = 'pending' AND `friends_friendship`.`viewed` = '0' | array ( ) | 0.000123 |
show tables like 'ow_base_geolocation_country' | 0.002001 | |
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SELECT * FROM ow_base_place WHERE `name` = 'index' LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000193 |
SELECT * FROM ow_base_component_place_cache WHERE `placeId` = '2' AND `entityId` = 0 LIMIT 0, 1 | array ( ) | 0.000194 |
SELECT `b`.* FROM `ow_ads_banner` AS `b` LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_position` AS `bp` ON (`b`.`id` = `bp`.`bannerId`) LEFT JOIN `ow_ads_banner_location` AS `bl` ON (`b`.`id` = `bl`.`bannerId`) WHERE `bp`.`position` = :position AND `bp`.`pluginKey` IN ( :pluginKey, 'base' ) AND ( `bl`.`location` IS NULL) | array ( 'pluginKey' => 'BASE', 'position' => 'sidebar', ) | 0.000573 |
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Type | Class | Path (class, template) |
Controller | BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/static_document.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/controllers/static_document_index.html |
Component | PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CMP_PasswordWrapper | /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/components/password_wrapper.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_plugins/protectedphotos/views/components/password_wrapper.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_MainMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/main_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_BottomMenu | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/bottom_menu.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/bottom_menu.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SignIn | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sign_in.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_SwitchLanguage | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/switch_language.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/switch_language.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_ConsoleButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Console | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/console.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_JoinButton | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/join_button.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/join_button.html |
Component | BASE_CMP_Sidebar | /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/components/sidebar.php /home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sidebar.html |
Event | Listener | Params |
base.get_active_theme_name Type: call Called at: 0.236 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
class.get_instance.OW_Response Type: trigger Called at: 0.239 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'OW_Response', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', ) |
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servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
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No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.242 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'menuItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => '304', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'dashboard', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '1', 'routePath' => 'base_member_dashboard', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'dashboard', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => '23', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'main_menu_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '2', 'routePath' => 'base_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => '0', 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 2 => array ( 'id' => '211', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '3', 'routePath' => 'base_join', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '1', 'menu_key' => 'base_join_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 3 => array ( 'id' => '492', 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'photo', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '4', 'routePath' => 'view_photo_list', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'photo', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 4 => array ( 'id' => '507', 'prefix' => 'matchmaking', 'key' => 'matches_index', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '5', 'routePath' => 'matchmaking_members_page', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'matches_index', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 5 => array ( 'id' => '509', 'prefix' => 'membership', 'key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '6', 'routePath' => 'membership_subscribe', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'subscribe_page_heading', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '511', 'prefix' => 'usearch', 'key' => 'menu_item_search', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '8', 'routePath' => 'users-search', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menu_item_search', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 7 => array ( 'id' => '518', 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'main_menu_list', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '9', 'routePath' => 'groups-index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_list', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 8 => array ( 'id' => '533', 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '11', 'routePath' => 'event.main_menu_route', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 9 => array ( 'id' => '565', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'documentKey' => 'page_eri81v36', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '14', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'page_eri81v36', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'arrowchat/public/mobile', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 10 => array ( 'id' => '566', 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '15', 'routePath' => 'blogs', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 11 => array ( 'id' => '573', 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'forum', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '18', 'routePath' => 'forum-default', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'forum', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 12 => array ( 'id' => '576', 'prefix' => 'html5chat', 'key' => 'main_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '19', 'routePath' => 'html5chat_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'main_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 13 => array ( 'id' => '577', 'prefix' => 'eupago', 'key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '20', 'routePath' => 'eupago.transactions', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '2', 'menu_key' => 'eupago.transactions_menu', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 14 => array ( 'id' => '581', 'prefix' => 'memberads', 'key' => 'menutext_value', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'main', 'order' => '21', 'routePath' => 'memberads_view_index', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'menutext_value', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page-119658', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_99448870', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_54p2wa93', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_47ah15ap', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_naq3lelu', ) |
navigation.onGetMenuItems Type: trigger Called at: 0.243 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'menuItems' => array ( 0 => array ( 'id' => '497', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', 'documentKey' => '', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '1', 'routePath' => 'base.mobile_version', 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'mobile_version_menu_item', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => NULL, 'isStatic' => NULL, ), 1 => array ( 'id' => '411', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page-119658', 'documentKey' => 'page-119658', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '2', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page-119658', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'terms-of-use', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 2 => array ( 'id' => '478', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_99448870', 'documentKey' => 'page_99448870', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '3', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_99448870', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'privacy', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 3 => array ( 'id' => '521', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'documentKey' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '4', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_ep2dugi9', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'quem-somos', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 4 => array ( 'id' => '524', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'documentKey' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '5', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_54p2wa93', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'cookies', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 5 => array ( 'id' => '525', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'documentKey' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '6', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_47ah15ap', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'como-funciona', 'isStatic' => '1', ), 6 => array ( 'id' => '526', 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'documentKey' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'type' => 'bottom', 'order' => '7', 'routePath' => NULL, 'externalUrl' => NULL, 'newWindow' => NULL, 'visibleFor' => '3', 'menu_key' => 'page_naq3lelu', 'class' => NULL, 'action' => NULL, 'uri' => 'dicas-seguranca', 'isStatic' => '1', ), ), ) |
usercredits.action_add Type: trigger Called at: 0.244 Exec time: 0.011 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
array ( ) |
core.app_init Type: trigger Called at: 0.244 Exec time: 0.011 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
array ( ) |
core.after_route Type: trigger Called at: 0.261 Exec time: 0.001 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument Type: trigger Called at: 0.262 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.263 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_content_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.263 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_title_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
core.set_document_heading Type: trigger Called at: 0.263 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'Quem somos', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.263 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_title_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
core.set_document_title Type: trigger Called at: 0.263 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'Quem somos', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.266 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'nav', 'key' => 'page_default_description', ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => 'XX Rede Social de Encontros e Relacionamentos. Registe-se é Grátis. Conhecer novas pessoas nunca foi tão simples. Já não precisa estar sozinho!', ) |
core.after_dispatch Type: trigger Called at: 0.266 Exec time: 0.000 |
OW_Application -> activateMenuItem()
OW_Application -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.OW_Feedback Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'OW_Feedback', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'ajax_floatbox_users_title', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'flag_as', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'delete_user_confirmation_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'authorization_limited_permissions', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'avatar_change', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'avatar_crop', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.268 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 4022418904, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.268 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'admin', 'key' => 'edit_language', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'marked_notify_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'unmarked_notify_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'unmark_toolbar_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'bookmarks', 'key' => 'mark_toolbar_label', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 997153629, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.269 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 2411202510, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'password_protected_photo', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'protectedphotos', 'key' => 'enter_password', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_recent', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_people', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_nature', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_food', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_activity', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_travel', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.270 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_object', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_symbol', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_category_flag', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_search', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_search_results', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'mailbox', 'key' => 'emojipicker_count_emojis', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 3208237720, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'gdpr', 'key' => 'gdpr_send_message_label', ) |
core.onAddScriptDeclaration Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'scriptHash' => 514154704, 'type' => 'text/javascript', ) |
core.finalize Type: trigger Called at: 0.267 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsDeclarations()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeAddScrollJs()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeCheckIfSiteFullyInstalled()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsCode()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEmojiPicker()
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIncludeStaticFiles()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> initVideoImRequest()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.CUSTOMINDEX_BOL_Service Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'CUSTOMINDEX_BOL_Service', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => '', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_desc_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_desc_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
core.set_document_description Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'str' => '', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_keywords_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'local_page_meta_keywords_page_ep2dugi9', ) |
core.before_document_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.271 Exec time: 0.000 |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingMasterPage()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument -> setCustomMetaInfo()
array ( ) |
core.before_master_page_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.272 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Console Type: trigger Called at: 0.275 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_Console', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
base_hook_remote_auth_button_list Type: trigger Called at: 0.275 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.277 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validate_common_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.285 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.286 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.286 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'component_sign_in_login_invitation', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_common_invitation_text', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'component_sign_in_password_invitation', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_validator_required_error_message', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_remember_me_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'form_element_submit_default_value', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.287 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_submit_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.290 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'forgot_password_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.290 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_sign_in_cap_label', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_SignInButtonList Type: trigger Called at: 0.290 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_SignInButtonList', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
base_hook_remote_auth_button_list Type: trigger Called at: 0.290 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.290 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'base_sign_in_txt', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.291 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'join_submit_button_join', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.291 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'sign_in_submit_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.291 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'console_item_sign_up_label', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_ConsoleSwitchLanguage Type: trigger Called at: 0.292 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_ConsoleSwitchLanguage', 'arguments' => array ( ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_profiles_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_profile_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_comments_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_comment_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_avatars_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'content_avatar_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'photo', 'key' => 'content_photo_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'content_blogs_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'blogs', 'key' => 'content_blog_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'content_events_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'event', 'key' => 'content_event_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forums_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forum_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_forums_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'forum', 'key' => 'content_post_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'content_groups_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'groups', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'newsfeed', 'key' => 'content_group_label', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'newsfeed', 'key' => 'content_status_label', ) |
content.collect_types Type: trigger Called at: 0.294 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
array ( ) |
console.collect_items Type: trigger Called at: 0.275 Exec time: 0.006 |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> collectItems()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> collectItems()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItems()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> collectItems()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectConsoleItems()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeUsers()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeMessages()
array ( ) |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.300 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners |
array (
'item' =>
'content' => NULL,
'control' => 'XXXX |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.301 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'item' => BASE_CMP_ConsoleButton::__set_state(array( 'consoleItem' => BASE_CMP_ConsoleItem::__set_state(array( 'content' => NULL, 'control' => 'Registar-se', 'hidden' => false, 'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789daf59aa41', 'class' => array ( 'ow_console_button' => 'ow_console_button', ), 'components' => array ( ), 'forms' => array ( ), 'assignedVars' => array ( 'item' => array ( 'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789daf59aa41', 'class' => 'ow_console_button', 'content' => array ( ), 'html' => 'Registar-se', 'hidden' => false, ), ), 'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_item.html', 'visible' => true, )), 'key' => 'console_item_6789daf59aa41', 'components' => array ( ), 'forms' => array ( ), 'assignedVars' => array ( 'label' => 'Registar-se', 'href' => 'https://www.xx.pt/join', 'onClick' => '', ), 'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_button.html', 'visible' => true, )), 'order' => 1, ) |
console.before_item_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.301 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners |
array (
'item' =>
'url' => 'javascript://',
'consoleItem' =>
'content' => '
'hidden' => false,
'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789daf59ae17',
'class' =>
array (
'ow_console_dropdown' => 'ow_console_dropdown',
'ow_console_dropdown_hover' => 'ow_console_dropdown_hover',
'components' =>
array (
'forms' =>
array (
'assignedVars' =>
array (
'item' =>
array (
'uniqId' => 'console_item_6789daf59ae17',
'class' => 'ow_console_dropdown ow_console_dropdown_hover',
'content' =>
array (
'html' => '
'hidden' => false,
'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_item.html',
'visible' => true,
'key' => 'console_item_6789daf59ae17',
'components' =>
array (
'forms' =>
array (
'assignedVars' =>
array (
'label' => 'pt',
'class' => 'ow_console_lang_pt',
'url' => 'javascript://',
'template' => '/home/xx/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/console_switch_language.html',
'visible' => true,
'order' => 0,
winks.on_before_count_winks_for_user Type: trigger Called at: 0.304 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'status' => array ( 0 => 'wait', ), 'viewed' => NULL, 'activeModes' => array ( 0 => 'chat', ), ) |
winks.on_before_count_winks_for_user Type: trigger Called at: 0.304 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'partnerId' => 0, 'status' => array ( 0 => 'wait', ), 'viewed' => 0, 'activeModes' => array ( 0 => 'chat', ), ) |
base.query.user_filter Type: trigger Called at: 0.304 Exec time: 0.000 |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
array ( 'tables' => array ( 'user' => 'friends_friendship', ), 'fields' => array ( 'userId' => 'userId', ), 'method' => 'FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::count', ) |
base.query.user_filter Type: trigger Called at: 0.304 Exec time: 0.000 |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
array ( 'tables' => array ( 'user' => 'friends_friendship', ), 'fields' => array ( 'userId' => 'userId', ), 'method' => 'FRIENDS_BOL_FriendshipDao::count', ) |
console.ping Type: trigger Called at: 0.302 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> ping()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> ping()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> ping()
array ( ) |
base.ping.consoleUpdate Type: trigger Called at: 0.302 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.305 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'slogan_page', ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_JoinButton Type: trigger Called at: 0.306 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_JoinButton', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'cssClass' => 'index_join_button', ), ), ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.306 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'join_index_join_button', ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.306 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'top', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.311 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
base.add_page_top_content Type: trigger Called at: 0.306 Exec time: 0.002 |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageTopBanner()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.313 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'bottom', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.313 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
base.add_page_bottom_content Type: trigger Called at: 0.313 Exec time: 0.001 |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageBottomBanner()
array ( ) |
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Sidebar Type: trigger Called at: 0.315 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'BASE_CMP_Sidebar', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( ), ), ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_SidebarAds Type: trigger Called at: 0.322 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_SidebarAds', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => BASE_CLASS_WidgetParameter::__set_state(array( 'customParamList' => array ( ), 'additionalParamList' => array ( ), 'standartParamList' => WidgetStandartParamList::__set_state(array( 'wrapInBox' => false, 'showTitle' => true, 'freezed' => false, 'toolbar' => array ( ), 'restrictView' => false, 'accessRestriction' => NULL, 'capContent' => NULL, )), 'customizeMode' => false, 'widgetDetails' => WidgetDetails::__set_state(array( 'uniqName' => 'index-ADS_CMP_SidebarAds', )), )), ), ) |
class.get_instance.ADS_CMP_Ads Type: trigger Called at: 0.322 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'className' => 'ADS_CMP_Ads', 'arguments' => array ( 0 => array ( 'position' => 'sidebar', ), ), ) |
ads.enabled_plugins Type: trigger Called at: 0.322 Exec time: 0.000 |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
array ( ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'ads', 'key' => 'widget_panel_title', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_1', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_links_2', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_3', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_links_3', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_title_4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'slpremiumtheme', 'key' => 'footer_block_soc_links_4', ) |
servicelangtools.lang_used_log Type: trigger Called at: 0.324 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( 'prefix' => 'base', 'key' => 'copyright', ) |
core.after_master_page_render Type: trigger Called at: 0.325 Exec time: 0.000 |
No listeners | array ( ) |
Event | Listener |
core.exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
core.emergency_exit |
OW_Log -> writeLog()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEmergencyExit()
base.billing.on_after_delivered_sale |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterBillingDeliverSale()
base.user_login |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSaveStatistics()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLoginSetAdminCookie()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
content.after_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAdd()
base.add_global_lang_keys |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddGlobalLangs()
base.user_unregister |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserContent()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterDeleteDisaproved()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterRemovePreference()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteMediaPanelFiles()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregisterClearMailQueue()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserDeleted()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteUserAttachments()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserMembership()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditBalance()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserCreditLogs()
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserUnregister()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteUserContent()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUnregisterUser()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userUnregister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnregister()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeUserPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_delete_user_content()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUnRegister()
base.user_logout |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogout()
base.user_register |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinMandatoryUserApprove()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onJoinFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegisterWelcomeLetter()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypeUserRoleOnUserRegister()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteInviteCode()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserJoin()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserRegister()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> resetAllUsersLastData()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRegister()
base.user_edit |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEditFeed()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterUserEdit()
feed.after_comment_add |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserJoinCommentFeed()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarCommentFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterCommentAdd()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterFeedCommentAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterComment()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_comment()
feed.after_like_added |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeUserJoin()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAvatarLikeFeed()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedAfterLikeAdded()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedGiftLike()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnLike()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedTopicLike()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedAddLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addLike()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLikeNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_item_like()
notifications.collect_actions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCollectNotificationActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectNotificationActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyActions()
base_add_comment |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCommentAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> notifyOnNewComment()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPostComment()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddComment()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addComment()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCommentNotification()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_comment_notification()
base.update_entity_items_status |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateEntityItemsStatus()
base.user_suspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendSuspendNotification()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> baseUserSuspend()
PostService -> onAuthorSuspend()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.user_unsuspend |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_approve |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUserApprove()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_disapprove |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserEventClearQueryCache()
base.on_user_mark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.on_user_unmark_featured |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> clearUserListQueryCache()
base.questions_field_get_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getQuestionLabel()
base.before_decorator |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDecoratorRender()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeDecorator()
plugin.privacy.get_action_list |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyAddAction()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyAction()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> privacyAddAction()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActionList()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyCollectActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_privacy_add_action()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyActions()
base.members_only_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMembersOnlyException()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addMembersOnlyException()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.splash_screen_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddSplashScreenExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.password_protected_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPasswordProtectedExceptions()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAccessException()
base.maintenance_mode_exceptions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddMaintenanceModeExceptions()
admin.add_auth_labels |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAuthLabels()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_add_auth_labels()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAuthLabels()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_auth_labels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAuthLabels()
socialsharing.get_entity_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetUserInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetPhotoInfo()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetGiftInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetBlogInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetEventInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> sosialSharingGetForumInfo()
base.before_save_user |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> setUserRoleOnChangeAccountType()
base.questions_field_add_fake_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddFakeQuestions()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFakeQuestions()
base.join_form_render |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInviteMembersProcessJoinForm()
base.moderation_panel_widget_collect_contents |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationWidgetContent()
base.moderation_tools.collect_menu |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectModerationToolsMenu()
content.before_delete |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteEntityFlags()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDelete()
base.after_avatar_update |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarChange()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAvatarUpdate()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserAvatar()
base.before_user_avatar_delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAvatarDelete()
content.collect_types |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onCollectTypes()
content.get_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onGetInfo()
content.update_info |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onUpdateInfo()
content.delete |
BASE_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onDelete()
base.user_list.get_displayed_fields |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFields()
base.user_list.get_questions |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListQuestions()
base.user_list.get_field_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetUserListFieldValue()
base.sitemap.get_urls |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSitemapGetUrls()
base.provide_page_meta_info |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProvideMetaInfoForPage()
base.on_after_generate_email_verification_code |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> generateEmailVerificationCode()
base.add_profile_action_toolbar |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddDeleteActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddFlagActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddSuspendActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddAuthActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserFeatureActionTool()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserBlockActionTool()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionToolbarItem()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendGiftActionTool()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActionToolbarAddUserApproveActionTool()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActionTools()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectProfileActions()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendMessageActionTool()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addProfileActionToolbar()
base.dashboard_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDashboardMenuItem()
base.preference_menu_items |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceMenuItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacyPreferenceMenuItem()
base.on_avatar_toolbar_collect |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarToolbarCollect()
core.finalize |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsDeclarations()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeAddScrollJs()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalizeCheckIfSiteFullyInstalled()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsCode()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFinalize()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEmojiPicker()
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIncludeStaticFiles()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> initVideoImRequest()
admin.add_admin_notification |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdminNotification()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAdminNotifications()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
BILLINGPAYPAL_CLASS_EventHandler -> addAdminNotification()
HTML5CHAT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddingAdminNotifications()
ads.enabled_plugins |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddAdsEnabled()
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectEnabledAdsPages()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> adsEnabled()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAdsCollectEnabledPlugins()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> mailboxAdsEnabled()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_ads_enabled()
core.plugin_uninstall |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstallDeleteComments()
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsUninstallDeleteGateway()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginUninstall()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsUninstall()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginUninstall()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginUninstall()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginUninstall()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> removePluginPrivacy()
base.preference_add_form_element |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPreferenceAddFormElement()
base.preference_section_label |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddPreferenceSectionLabels()
feed.collect_configurable_activity |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectConfigurableActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectConfigurableActivity()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedConfigurableActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectConfigurableActivity()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_configurable_activity()
base.attachment_save_image |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSaveAttachmentImage()
join.get_captcha_field |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCaptcha()
core.after_route |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterRoute()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterRouteHandler()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> adminPageHanler()
SMSVERIFICATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
base.add_quick_link |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuickLinksCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuickLink()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> quickLinks()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectQuickLinks()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_quick_links()
base.collect_seo_meta_data |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectMetaData()
class.get_instance |
BASE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetClassInstance()
base.ping.consoleUpdate |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
console.collect_items |
BASE_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> collectItems()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> collectItems()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> collectItems()
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItems()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> collectItems()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectConsoleItems()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeUsers()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectConsoleItemFakeMessages()
core.plugins_init |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> afterInits()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPluginsInit()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> afterInits()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> genericAfterInits()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterAppInit()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_FormatManager -> collectFormats()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> updatePlugin()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginsInitCheckUserStatus()
core.plugin_activate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginActivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginsActivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginActivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginActivate()
core.plugin_deactivate |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> pluginDeactivate()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePluginsDeactivate()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> pluginDeactivate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginDeactivate()
console.load_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> loadList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> loadList()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> loadList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> loadList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onLoadConsoleList()
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleLoadFakeMessagesList()
console.ping |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> ping()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> ping()
WINKS_CLASS_ConsoleEventHandler -> ping()
FRIENDS_CLASS_RequestEventHandler -> ping()
notifications.send_list |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> sendList()
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendList()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectNotificationSendList()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> consoleSendList()
admin.disable_fields_on_edit_profile_question |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDisableActionList()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableProfileQuestions()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> disableFieldsOnEditProfileQuestion()
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinStampDisableActionList()
admin.check_if_admin_page |
ADMIN_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkIfAdminPage()
usearch.collect_user_actions |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollowAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriendAction()
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> addBlockAction()
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> usearchCollectUserActions()
usearch.get_user_id_list |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSearchResult()
base.questions_field_init |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInitQuestion()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionsFieldInit()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldInit()
base.question.search_sql |
USEARCH_CLASS_EventHandler -> setSearchSql()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionSearchSql()
authorization.layer_check |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheck()
authorization.layer_check_collect_error |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckCollectError()
base.on_before_role_delete |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteRole()
base.billing_add_gateway_product |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> billingAddGatewayProduct()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectBillingGatewayProduct()
base.collect_subscribe_menu |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPluginForMenuDesktop()
membership.deliver_sale_notification |
MEMBERSHIP_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeliverSaleNotification()
photo.album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumAdd()
photo.album_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumFind()
photo.album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumDelete()
photo.entity_albums_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsFind()
photo.add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAdd()
photo.find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFind()
photo.finds |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoFinds()
photo.delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoDelete()
photo.album_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosCount()
photo.album_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> albumPhotosFind()
photo.entity_albums_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsCount()
photo.entity_photos_find |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosFind()
photo.entity_photos_count |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityPhotosCount()
photo.entity_albums_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAlbumsDelete()
photo.init_floatbox |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> initFloatbox()
photo.get_photo_view_status |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoViewStatus()
plugin.privacy.on_change_action_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangePrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeActionPrivacy()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPrivacyChange()
base.query.content_filter |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoContentFilter()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerBaseContentFilter()
feed.on_entity_action |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAction()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedEntityAction()
feed.collect_privacy |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedCollectPrivacy()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnCollectPrivacy()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedPrivacyActions()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectPrivacy()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_collect_privacy()
usercredits.on_action_collect |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
USERCREDITS_CLASS_BaseCredits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
HOTLIST_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
EVENT_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
FRIENDS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MAILBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> bindCreditActionsCollect()
usercredits.get_action_key |
PHOTO_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
BLOGS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
FORUM_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
GROUPS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_Credits -> getActionKey()
photo.on_album_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumAdd()
photo.on_album_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumEdit()
photo.before_album_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeAlbumDelete()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDeleteAlbum()
plugin.photos.add_photo |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoAdd()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoAdd()
photo.after_edit |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPhotoEdit()
photo.onBeforeDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePhotoDelete()
photo.after_delete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoDelete()
photo.createUserAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> createUserAlbum()
photo.getMainAlbum |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMainAlbum()
photo.addSearchData |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addSearchData()
feed.before_content_add |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedBeforeStatusUpdate()
photo.backgroundLoadPhoto |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> backgroundLoadPhoto()
photo.onUpdateContent |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateContent()
photo.get_cover |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumCoverUrl()
photo.get_album_names |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAlbumNames()
moderation.after_content_approve |
PHOTO_CLASS_ContentProvider -> afterContentApprove()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterContentApprove()
base.add_new_content_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectAddNewContentItem()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addNewContentItem()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddNewContent()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_add_new_content_item()
feed.on_item_render |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRenderActivity()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderActivity()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> genericItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedItemRenderContext()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> desktopItemRender()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedItemRenderFlagBtn()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnItemRender()
photo.onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeMultiplePhotoDelete()
photo.onBeforePhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforePhotoMove()
photo.onAfterPhotoMove |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPhotoMove()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterPhotoMode()
photo.getAddPhotoURL |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPhotoURL()
base.avatar_change_collect_sections |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumsForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_section |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAlbumPhotosForAvatar()
base.avatar_change_get_item |
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPhotoForAvatar()
usercredits.action_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectActions()
usercredits.action_update |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionUpdate()
usercredits.action_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionDelete()
usercredits.action_info |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> actionInfo()
usercredits.check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalance()
usercredits.batch_check_balance_for_action_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> batchCheckBalanceForActionList()
usercredits.get_balance |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getBalance()
usercredits.track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackAction()
usercredits.error_message |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getErrorMessage()
usercredits.last_action_timestamp |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getLastActionTimestamp()
core.before_document_render |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserLogin()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingMasterPage()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
BASE_CTRL_StaticDocument -> setCustomMetaInfo()
friends.request-sent |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestSent()
core.app_init |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterApplicationInit()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInits()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterInit()
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationInit()
usercredits.grant |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGrantCredits()
usercredits.set_by_moderator |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSetCredits()
usercredits.get_action_label |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActionLabel()
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserCreditsActionLabel()
billingccbill.get-subaccount-config |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetCcbillSubaccountConfigValue()
billingccbill.collect-subaccount-fields |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectCcbillSubaccountField()
authorization.layer_check_track_action |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthLayerCheckTrackAction()
core.after_plugin_deactivate |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterPluginDeactivate()
birthdays.today_birthday_user_list |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBirthday()
base.event.on_account_type_add |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeAdd()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.event.on_account_type_delete |
USERCREDITS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAccountTypeDelete()
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
guests.get_guests_list |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getList()
guests.get_new_guests_count |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewCount()
guests.mark_guests_viewed |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markViewed()
guests.track_visit |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> trackVisit()
base.widget_panel.content.top |
OCSGUESTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onProfilePageRender()
base.on_plugin_info_update |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginInfoUpdate()
admin.get.possible_values_disable_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderDisableValuesMassage()
admin.questions.get_edit_delete_question_buttons_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> genderGetEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setEditDeleteQuestionButtonsContent()
admin.questions.get_preview_question_values_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getPreviewQuestionValuesContent()
base.event.on_before_add_questions_to_new_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> addQuestionsToNewAccountType()
admin.questions.get_question_page_checkbox_content |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetQuestionPageCheckboxContent()
admin.get_soft_version_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getSoftVersionText()
base.on_after_add_or_update_value_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterAddOrUpdateValueLang()
base.event.on_get_question_lang |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderLangValue()
base.event.on_account_type_reorder |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateAccountTypes()
base.on_before_user_complete_profile |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.on_before_user_complete_account_type |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeCompleteAccountType()
base.questions_get_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetGenderData()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsGetData()
base.questions_save_data |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserUpdate()
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsSaveData()
base.after_avatar_change |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAvatarChange()
usercredits.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> usercreditsGetProductId()
membership.get_product_id |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> membershipGetProductId()
speedmatch.suggest_users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> suggestSpeedmatchUsers()
photo.collect_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoCollectExtendedSettings()
photo.save_extended_settings |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoSaveExtendedSettings()
photo.getPhotoList |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryGetPhotoList()
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_QueryHandler -> handlerQueryUserPhoto()
admin.filter_themes_to_choose |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> filterAdminThemes()
core.get_text |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetText()
class.get_instance.JoinForm |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetJoinForm()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_Users |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetInstanceUsersCmp()
base.get_default_theme |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetDefaultTheme()
base.on_notify_admin_about_invalid_items |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onNotifyAdminAboutInvalidItems()
speedmatch.display_mutual_message |
SKADATE_CLASS_EventHandler -> displaySpeedmatchMutualMessage()
core.after_dispatch |
OW_Application -> activateMenuItem()
OW_Application -> onBeforeDocumentRender()
core.plugin_install |
base.add_page_top_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageTopBanner()
base.add_page_bottom_content |
ADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPageBottomBanner()
base.event.on_question_delete |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onQuestionDelete()
admin.before_save_lang_value |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeSaveLangValue()
matchmaking.get_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchList()
matchmaking.get_list_count |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMatchListCount()
matchmaking.get_compatibility |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibility()
matchmaking.get_compatibility_for_list |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCompatibilityForList()
base.question.add_question_form.on_get_available_sections |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetAvailableSections()
base.add_main_console_item |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addConsoleItem()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserViewSection |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> viewProfileDetailsMatchSection()
admin.questions.get_account_types_checkbox_content |
MATCHMAKING_CLASS_EventHandler -> setAccountTypesCheckboxContent()
hotlist.count |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getCount()
hotlist.get_id_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> getListIdList()
hotlist.add_to_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> addToList()
hotlist.remove_from_list |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFromList()
hotlist.is_user_added |
HOTLIST_CLASS_EventHandler -> isUserAdded()
notifications.add |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> addNotification()
notifications.is_permited |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> isNotificationPermited()
virtualgifts.send_gift |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendGift()
feed.on_entity_add |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddBlogPost()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedEntityAdd()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedStatusAdd()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> entityAdd()
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_feed_entity_add()
usercredits.action_update_disabled_status |
VIRTUALGIFTS_CLASS_Credits -> onCreditsUpdateActionDisabledStatus()
base.widget_panel_customize.content.top |
bookmarks.is_mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> isMark()
bookmarks.mark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> markUser()
bookmarks.unmark |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> unMarkUser()
bookmarks.get_mark_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMarksByIdList()
bookmarks.get_user_list |
BOOKMARKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUserList()
wink.renderWink |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWink()
wink.renderWinkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderWinkBack()
winks.isWinkSent |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getIsWinkSent()
winks.winkBack |
WINKS_CLASS_EventHandler -> winkBack()
moderation.approve |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> approveEntity()
content.before_change |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterChange()
base.after_config_save |
MODERATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterConfigSave()
photo.form_complete |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoFormComplete()
photo.onReadyResponse |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onReadyResponse()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumInfo |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumInfo()
class.get_instance.PHOTO_CMP_AlbumNameList |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getInstanceAlbumNames()
photo.view_album |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onViewAlbum()
photo.upload_data |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetPhotoUploadData()
photo.collect_photo_context_actions |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPhotoContext()
protectedphotos.init_enter_password |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initEnterPassword()
protectedphotos.init_headers |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> initHeaders()
photo.onDownloadPhoto |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDownloadPhoto()
photo.onRate |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRatePhoto()
photo.onIndexWidgetListReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onIndexWidgetReady()
photo.albumsWidgetReady |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAlbumsWidgetReady()
photo.onRenderAjaxUpload |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderUploadAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderEditAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderEditAlbumForm()
photo.onRenderCreateFakeAlbum |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderCreateFakeAlbumForm()
photo.user_album_view |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserAlbumView()
photo.after_add_feed |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> photoAfterAddFeed()
friends.request-accepted |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccept()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptRequest()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendRequestAccepted()
friends.cancelled |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFriendShipCancel()
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCancelRequest()
photo.getPhotoUrl |
PROTECTEDPHOTOS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPhotoGetUrl()
base.add_user_list |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addUserListData()
googlelocation.get_map_component |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMapComponent()
event.event_add_form.get_element |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> eventEditLocationInit()
events.before_event_edit |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventEdit()
events.before_event_create |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeEventCreate()
event_after_create_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventCrate()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterAdd()
event.add_content_menu_item |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventContentMenuItem()
events.view.content.after_event_description |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addEventMapOnViewPage()
event_on_delete_event |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEventDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeDelete()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteEvent()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onEventDelete()
googlelocation.calc_distance |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> calcDistance()
googlelocation.add_js_lib |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> addJsLib()
base.questions_field_get_value |
GOOGLELOCATION_CLASS_EventHandler -> questionsFieldGetValue()
feed.on_entity_update |
BLOGS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUpdateBlogPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnEntityAdd()
blogs.before_delete |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforePostDelete()
blogs.after_add |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostAdd()
blogs.after_edit |
BLOGS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterPostEdit()
event_after_event_edit |
EVENT_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterEventEdit()
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onEditEvent()
event.invite_user |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserInvite()
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onInvite()
event.is_plugin_active |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> isPluginActive()
event_on_create_event |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAddEvent()
events.collect_toolbar |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectToolbar()
event_on_change_user_status |
EVENT_CLASS_EventHandler -> onChangeUserStatus()
invitations.on_item_render |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onItemRender()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteRender()
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> renderItem()
invitations.on_command |
EVENT_CLASS_InvitationHandler -> onCommand()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onCommand()
forum.create_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createSection()
forum.delete_section |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteSection()
forum.create_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> createGroup()
forum.delete_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteGroup()
forum.edit_group |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> editGroup()
forum.add_post |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPost()
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> feedOnPostAdd()
forum.subscribe_user |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> subscribeUser()
forum.add_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> addWidget()
forum.install_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
forum.delete_widget |
FORUM_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteWidget()
forum.after_topic_add |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicAdd()
forum.after_topic_edit |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterTopicEdit()
forum.before_topic_delete |
FORUM_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeTopicDelete()
base.on_user_block |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBlockUser()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userBlocked()
plugin.friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPluginIsActive()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendList()
plugin.friends.get_friend_list_by_display_name |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> getFriendListByDisplayName()
plugin.friends.check_friendship |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findFriendship()
plugin.friends.count_friends |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findCountOfUserFriendsInList()
plugin.friends.find_all_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllActiveFriendships()
plugin.friends.find_active_friendships |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findActiveFriendships()
feed.collect_follow |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFeedFollow()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectFollow()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy_list |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyList()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> addPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.check_permission |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectPrivacyPermissions()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionEverybody()
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> permissionOnlyForMe()
feed.collect_follow_permissions |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCollectFollowPermissions()
friends.add_friend |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFriend()
friends.send_friend_request |
FRIENDS_CLASS_EventHandler -> sendFriendRequest()
groups_on_group_delete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeGroupDelete()
groups_group_delete_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupDelete()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
groups_group_create_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupCreate()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupAdd()
groups_group_edit_complete |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAfterGroupEdit()
GROUPS_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterGroupEdit()
groups_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoin()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupUserJoinFeedAddFollow()
groups_user_left |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> cleanCache()
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterUserLeave()
groups_before_user_signed |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserJoin()
groups.on_toolbar_collect |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGroupToolbarCollect()
groups.get_all_group_users |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> findAllGroupsUsers()
forum.check_permissions |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCheckPermissions()
forum.can_view |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCanView()
forum.activate_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumActivate()
forum.find_forum_caption |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumFindCaption()
forum.uninstall_plugin |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumUninstall()
forum.collect_widget_places |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onForumCollectWidgetPlaces()
feed.collect_widgets |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedCollectWidgets()
feed.on_widget_construct |
GROUPS_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFeedWidgetConstruct()
invitations.on_dublicate |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInviteDublicate()
notifications.on_item_send |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onItemSend()
groups.invite_removed |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeFromInvitations()
groups.invite_user |
GROUPS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> onInvite()
widgets.before_place_delete |
SLIDESHOW_CLASS_EventHandler -> beforeWidgetPlaceDelete()
feed.action |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> action()
feed.activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> activity()
feed.delete_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeActivity()
feed.get_all_follows |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAllFollows()
feed.install_widget |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> installWidget()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> installGroupsWidget()
feed.delete_item |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteAction()
feed.get_status |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getStatus()
feed.remove_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeFollow()
feed.is_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFollow()
feed.after_status_update |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> statusUpdate()
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> userFeedStatusUpdate()
feed.after_like_removed |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> removeLike()
feed.add_follow |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> addFollow()
feed.on_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> onActivity()
feed.after_activity |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> afterActivity()
feed.get_item_permalink |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPermalink()
feed.clear_cache |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteActionSet()
feed.is_inited |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> isFeedInited()
base_delete_comment |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteComment()
feed.before_action_delete |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onBeforeActionDelete()
feed.after_action_add |
NEWSFEED_CLASS_ContentProvider -> onAfterActionAdd()
plugin.mailbox.on_plugin_init.handle_controller_attributes |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onHandleControllerAttributes()
base.online_now_click |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onShowOnlineButton()
base.ping |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingPing()
SHOUTBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> shoutbox_ping()
base.ping.notifications |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApiPing()
mailbox.ping |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
mailbox.mark_as_read |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkAsRead()
mailbox.mark_unread |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onMarkUnread()
mailbox.get_conversation_id |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getConversationId()
mailbox.delete_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onDeleteConversation()
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> deleteConversation()
mailbox.create_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onCreateConversation()
mailbox.authorize_action |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAuthorizeAction()
mailbox.find_user |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindUser()
winks.onAcceptWink |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAcceptWink()
winks.onWinkBack |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onWinkBack()
mailbox.get_unread_message_count |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getUnreadMessageCount()
mailbox.get_chat_user_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getChatUserList()
mailbox.post_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postMessage()
mailbox.post_reply_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> postReplyMessage()
mailbox.get_new_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessages()
mailbox.get_new_messages_for_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getNewMessagesForConversation()
mailbox.get_messages |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getMessages()
mailbox.get_history |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> getHistory()
mailbox.show_send_message_button |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> showSendMessageButton()
mailbox.get_active_mode_list |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetActiveModeList()
mailbox.send_message |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSendMessage()
mailbox.mark_conversation |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> markConversation()
base.attachment_uploaded |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onAttachmentUpload()
mailbox.renderOembed |
MAILBOX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onRenderOembed()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_UserList |
CUSTOMINDEX_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGettingUserListComponentInstance()
skmobileapp.get_application_config |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onSkmobileappGetConfig()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationConfig()
skmobileapp.get_translations |
GDPR_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetTranslations()
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationTranslations()
plugin.privacy.get_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionPrivacy()
plugin.privacy.get_main_privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> getActionMainPrivacyByOwnerIdList()
privacy_check_permission |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremission()
privacy_check_permission_for_user_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> checkPremissionForUserList()
plugin.privacy |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> pluginIsActive()
base.query.user_filter |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserFilter()
bookmarks.find_bookmarks_user_id_list |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onFindBookmarksUserIdList()
base.question.before_user_search |
PRIVACY_CLASS_EventHandler -> onBeforeUserSearch()
base.before_user_online |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onUserOnline()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CTRL_Users |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUsersInstance()
class.get_instance.ADMIN_CMP_UserList |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> getAdminUserListInstance()
fake.collect_admin_users_menu_item |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminUsersMenuItem()
fake.collect_admin_mark_as_fake_button |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> collectAdminMarkAsFakeButton()
base.ping.fake_messages_ping |
FAKE_CLASS_EventHandler -> onPing()
base.ping.fake_step_info |
FAKE_BOL_ImportService -> getStepInfo()
base.notify_actions |
MEMBERADS_CLASS_EventHandler -> memberads_on_notify_actions()
base.ping.videoim_ping |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> getVideoImPingData()
skmobileapp.get_application_permissions |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onGetApplicationPermissions()
skmobileapp.formatted_users_data |
VIDEOIM_CLASS_EventHandler -> onApplicationFormattedUsersData()
class.get_instance.USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__USEARCH_CMP_QuickSearch()
class.get_instance.BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget |
MINIATURETHEME_CLASS_EventHandler -> onInstanceOf__BASE_CMP_QuickLinksWidget()
invitations.add |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> addInvitation()
invitations.remove |
BASE_CLASS_InvitationEventHandler -> removeInvitation()
notifications.remove |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> removeNotification()
notifications.on_item_render |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_ConsoleBridge -> renderItem()
notifications.send |
NOTIFICATIONS_CLASS_EmailBridge -> sendNotification()
base.append_markup |
OW_DeveloperTools -> onAppendMarkup()